General Membership Meeting Minutes,  May 9, 2024




Call to Order

Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. at the Kampong.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  On behalf of the Garden Club, Louise thanked Karen Rombough, Jeanne Wigg and Alicia Gerrits for chairing today’s luncheon.  Also thanked were those members and the Montgomery Botanical Garden for supplying greenery decorations.

Andrea Clement presented a program of photos of the year’s activities.

Kampong Garden Director Brian Sidote gave an illustrated talk about the objectives and programs at the Kampong.  Dr. Sidote was presented with a donation of $500.



Heather Wulkan presented the eleven new members

Three members, Isabelle Andrews, Polly Edwards, and Karen Rombough, were honored with life-time member designations.

The three new officers were inducted.  They are Thea Oberlander, president; Stephanie Schmidt, membership; and Marie Pappas, recording secretary.  



Suze Fry reported “a healthy amount” in the treasury.



Miriam Meiser announced that Josette Grassie will host an Inquisitive Gardeners luncheon at her home on May 21st.



Old Business

  The minutes of the April 11, 2024, General Meeting were approved.  


New Business   

There was no new business.




The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary





General Membership Meeting Minutes,   April 11, 2024


Call to Order

Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at Montgomery Botanical Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Polly Edwards and Sandra Elliot were thanked for hosting the propagation workshop.


Heather Wulkan announced that there are five openings for Active Membership.



Suze Fry reported a checking account balance of $14,486.10.  Membership dues are due today.  The fee of $65 for the May 26th luncheon is due April 26.



Alicia Alverez Gill was thanked for hosting last month’s happy hour.  No happy hour is planned for this month.



Sandra Elliot addressed garden fertilization.  She answered numerous questions and suggested products.  She will post her suggestions to the Club’s site.

An orchid potting workshop is planned for next year.


Old Business

Margaret Hoeveler announced that the International Center of Tropical Botany (ICTB) welcomes volunteers on various days depending on the availability of their staff and specific projects.   

The minutes of the March, 14, 2024, General Meeting were approved.  

The day’s hospitality hosts were acknowledged.  April birthdays were recognized. 


New Business   

The coming year’s officers were elected by acclimation.  They are Thea Oberlander, president; Stephanie Schmidt, membership; and Marie Pappas, recording secretary.  There had been no nominations from the floor.  

Laura Robbins presented the gift of a potted orchid to outgoing president Louise Petrine Sansell. 


Member Highlight

Pippa Milne interviewed Ana Rosa Philips.



The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary




General Membership Meeting Minutes, March 14, 2024




Call to Order

Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at R.F. Orchids in Homestead, Florida.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The minutes of the February 8, 2024, General Meeting were approved.  The day’s hospitality hosts were acknowledged.



Heather Wulkan recognized March birthdays.

There are six names on the waiting list for general membership and four waiting for associate status. 


New Business   

Lisa Remeny will add the Club’s website address to announcements.

Alicia Alverez Gil will host a happy hour at her home March 26th. 

Linda Chapin noted that gardeners will meet at the Montgomery Botanical Center March 15th at 7:00a.m.

Sandra Farwell Elliot described the activities of the Plant Exchange which will be held at her home at 10:00 a.m. on March 23rd.  The workshop will be led by Sandra and Polly Edwards.

Carla Blanco announced the Nominating Committee’s nominees for the positions open for next year’s Board of Directors.  They are Thea Oberlander, President; Stephanie Schmidt, Second Vice President; and Marie Pappas, Recording Secretary.  No additional nominations were made from the floor.  It was noted that nominations can also be accepted at the April meeting.



The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary




General Membership Meeting Minutes, February 8, 2024


Call to Order – Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The minutes of the January 11, 2024, meeting were approved.


Inspirational Message – Louise read an inspirational message.


Membership – Heather Wulkan recognized February birthdays.

There are six names on the waiting list for general membership and four waiting for associate status. 

Heather offered embroidered caps to those who want them.


Treasurer – Suze Fry reported a checking account balance of $11,236.16.


Hospitality - Polly Edwards thanked the hosts for the morning refreshment.  

Carla Blanco will host a happy hour om February 22nd, but this month’s Inquisitive Gardeners has been cancelled.

Margaret Hoeveler announced that the International Center of Tropical Botany (ICTB) welcomes volunteers on Mondays and Tuesdays.  Next year there will be a fee of $250 for each of our meetings to be held there.


New Business   

Sandra Farwell Elliot described the activities of the Plant Exchange which will be held at her home on February 24th.  

Sandra and Polly will host a propagation workshop at 10:00 a.m. on March 23rd.  

Suze announced her nominating committee.  Carla Blanco and Paulette Johnson were approved by a general vote.

Louise offered yearbook inserts for $10.

The cost of her outing to Zoo Miami is $50 according to Ana Rosa Phillips.

Pippa Milne interviewed Cynthia Christoph for Member Highlights.



The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary






General Membership Meeting Minutes, January 11, 2024


Call to Order – Carla Blanco called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  The minutes of the November 9, 2023, meeting were approved.


Inspirational Message – Christine de los Reyes read inspirational messages.


Membership – Heather Wulkan recognized January birthdays. 

Suze Fry will chair the Nominating Committee for which the positions of President, Second Vice President and Recording Secretary are open. 

There are ten new members this year and there are six on the waiting list. 

Embroidered hats donated by Laura Robbins are available for $10.


Treasurer – Suze Fry reported a checking account balance of $1,397.46.


Hospitality - Polly Edwards thanked the hosts for the morning refreshment.  

Volunteers for the Montgomery Botanical Center will meet there next Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. 

Polly announced Alexis Magaro’s Inquisitive Gardeners’ gathering on January 22nd at 11:00 a.m. and circulated a signup sheet. 


New Business   

Sandra Farwell Elliot announced that the Plant Exchange will be held at her home on February 24th.  She asked for three groups of three people each to help with setup, lunch and cleanup.

Sandra and Polly will host a propagation workshop at 10:00 a.m. on March 23rd.  A signup sheet will be circulated at the February general meeting.

Ana Rosa Phillips would like to organize a visit to Miami’s Metro Zoo and circulated a signup sheet to explore interest in that trip.

Margaret Hoeveler reported that volunteers for the International Center of Tropical Botany (ICTB) are welcome to work there at any time convenient to them.  This includes both lab and mounting work in the herbarium as well as outside gardening.

Yevettte Shapiro thanked the Club for her orchid and spoke about her husband’s history with the local area.  Lisa Remeny received a thank you note from Maureen Pelham for her plant sent on behalf of the Club.



The meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.  


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary 






Call to Order - President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. at the International Center of Tropical Botany.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Louise noted the passing of the spouses of Yevette Shapiro and Maureen Pellam.  The minutes of the October 12, 2023, meeting were approved.


Inspirational Message – Suzanne Koptur read an inspirational message.


Horticulture – Barbara McAdams of the Homestead office of the University of Florida extension service spoke about growing tomatoes. She spoke also of the services that the extension provides as well as the ways to contact them, including the new “Garden Solution” website.


Membership – Heather Wulkan reminded members to sign in at meetings and to return name tags upon leaving.  She recognized those with November birthdays. Lisa Remeny will assume photographic responsibilities.


Treasurer – Suze Fry reported the checking account balance of $13,200. 85.

Members are encouraged to RSVP via their checks for the holiday party as soon as possible. Carla Blanco will host a workshop to construct decoration for the holiday party the previous evening. Members are asked to contribute vegetation for the decorations.


Hospitality - Speaking for Polly Edwards, Louise thanked the hosts for the morning refreshments.  Volunteers for the Montgomery Botanical Center will meet there next Wednesday at 7:30 am.


Inquisitive Gardeners – Miriam announced Brian Molloy’s Inquisitive Gardeners’ gathering on November 15 at 1:00 p.m.  There are additional dates open for other meetings.


Old Business  

Margaret Hoeveler announced that nine members have volunteered for this Center.  A training date has not yet been determined, but work is expected to begin in December and be underway by January. This will include both lab and mounting work in the herbarium as well as outside gardening.

Jeanne Wigg, Karen Rombough and Alicia Garrits will chair the May luncheon.


New Business

Kirsten Hines was congratulated on the publication of her most recent book, Wild Florida: An Animal Odyssey.



Member Highlight - Pippa Milne had a dialog with Betsy Steel about Betsy’s experience and interests.


Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. The meeting was followed by a presentation from Mel Meinhardt about the development and need for volunteers at the Commodore Trail.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary






*Call to Order – President Louise Petrine-Stansell called the meeting to order at the Montgomery Botanical Center at 10:00 AM. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, the 9/14/23 Minutes were approved. 

*Inspirational Message – Paulette Johnson shared an inspirational message on the joy of gardening.

*Program Committee/1st Vice-President (Laura Robbins) – Louise reported for Laura. Sarah Curry Founder and Executive Director of Sereia Films. will be presenting today’s program on seafood education. Next month’s meeting will be at the Casaplanta Garden Center (6825 SW 127th Ave). 


*Treasurer (Suze Fry) – Our account balance is $13,807.41. Members reviewed the Club’s 2023-24 budget (Rev 10/5/23) and voted to approve it. Donations are now being made to meeting venues, such as Montgomery Botanical Center and FIU Center for Tropical Botany at Kampong, as the large number of members attending meetings make it difficult to host at member homes. Suze will take prepaid orders for Yearbook inserts and binders (inserts $15, binders $5) until 10/21 – send a check made out to “Coconut Grove Garden Club” to her at 3551 Vista Ct, Miami, FL 33133.


*Media/Communications (Carla Blanco) –The website is up to date. Carla announced the date for the Holiday Party – Wednesday, December 13th to be held at Coral Reef Yacht Club. She will send an email with further details – to RSVP you must send a check to Suze Fry. Volunteers are needed to create centerpieces with plants from member gardens, one of whom will need to be designated Project Coordinator.


Louise’s vision is for members to focus on volunteering for gardening activities rather than entertainment activities, such as the Luncheon and Holiday Party, especially when everyone is so busy during the holiday season – better to just come together and celebrate what we’ve done during the year.

*Hospitality (Polly Edwards) –


Polly asked members to check the Hospitality Schedule on our website for when they’re responsible to serve as refreshment hosts for a General Meeting. She also emails hosts ahead of the meeting asking them to acknowledge receipt so she knows they’re aware of their commitment to serve or find a replacement if they cannot attend the meeting. The coffee pot has broken and will not be replaced so we will no longer offer coffee service at meetings. Carol Cope and Christine de los Reyes have both graciously volunteered to share responsibility as “water hosts” to bring water to the General Meetings.


Happy Hours are being hosted by Josette Grassie - October 19th (2880 SW 33rd Ct, Coral Gables) at 5:30 pm and Michael Enns - November 16th at 5 pm (1041 Venetia Ave, Coral Gables).


* Inquisitive Gardeners – Miriam Meiser reported on the event held at Andrea Clement’s home.


* Horticulture Committee (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra talked about what to plant for fall and gave tips on dealing with fungus. The Plant Exchange will be held at her home in February.


* FIU Center for Tropical Botany at Kampong (Margaret Hoeveler)* – Margaret asked for volunteers to assist in the following areas: maintenance (pruning, planting, and mulching), solution holes, herbarium, plant specimen mounting, and archive mapping & inventory. Call or email her to volunteer.


*Member Highlight (Pippa Milne) – Pippa presented Marie Pappas as our featured member.


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 AM.  

Suze Fry for Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary    






Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, September 14, 2023


Call to Order

Mary Ann Gibbs, presiding on behalf of President Louise Petrine Stansell, called the general meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Carol Cope read an inspirational message.

The minutes of the May 11, 2023, meeting were approved. 

New members were introduced.  The Board of Directors was also introduced along with Sandra Farwell Elliot (horticulture), Polly Edwards (hospitality), Carla Blanco (social media), Lisa Remeny (photography), Sean Reichert (community projects) and Pippa Milne (member spotlight.)



Suze Fry distributed printed copies of the 2023-2024 budget which had been previously approved by the Board of Directors.  The cash balance is $15,438.82.



Carla Blanco reminded members to submit photographs for membership directory. She also reminded members that the Club’s site has sections for book recommendations and recipes and that the Club has a Facebook page.



Polly Edwards will send notifications of host duties. Polly explained Happy Hours and the monthly volunteer opportunities at the Montgomery Center.  She circulated sign-up sheets for each.


New Members

New members will receive Yearbooks. Other members will be charged $15 for the hard copy and $5 for the binder.  Carla will put a link on the Club’s site to its PDF.


Community Programs 

Sean Reichert described the Slow Foods project and encouraged volunteers.  Specific information will be available at the next meeting.

At the next meeting Margaret Hoeveler will be able to accept volunteers for various projects at the International Center for Tropical Botany at The Kampong. 


Inquisitive Gardeners

On behalf of Miriam Meisner, Andrea Clement described the Inquisitive Gardeners and circulated a sign-up sheet.  


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business

Carla Blanco, chair of the holiday party, asked for suggestions for a venue for the party.

Laura Robbins announced the day’s speaker, Horace Hobb, and his presentation “The 2023 Chelsea Flower Show and London Gardens.”



The meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary




Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, May 11,  2023


Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at The Kampong.  The minutes of the April general meeting were accepted. Louise read an inspirational message.


Treasurer’s Report

Thea Oberlander reported a current bank balance of $7480.13



Louise thanked the current members of the Executive Board. 

Carla Blanco initiated the incoming Executive Board officers:

First Vice President (Programs): Laura Robbins

Treasurer:  Suze Fry

Bylaws (Parliamentarian):  Alix de Seife

Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Remeny

Louise welcomed the new members with a ceremony where each was presented with a floral gift.



Polly Edwards invited volunteers to host happy hours during the summer.  The Montgomery volunteer group adjourn until the September.    



New Business 

Margaret Hoeveler said the she would organize volunteers for different projects at the International Center for Tropical Botany at The Kampong.

The director of the Center, Christopher Baraloto, spoke about  the development of research, education and outreach programs related to tropical botany, and volunteer opportunities there,



The meeting was adjourned at 10.45 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary





Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, April 13, 2023

Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at the International

Center for Tropical Botany at The Kampong. The minutes of the March general meeting were accepted.

Inspirational Message

Louise read an inspirational message.


Heather Wulkan announced that there will be nine new members in the oncoming year. There are three names on the waiting list.


Nancy Anderson announced an April happy hour at the home of Carla Blanco.


A tour of the arboretum at the University of Miami is planned.

Treasurer’s Report

Thea Oberlander reported a current bank balance of $7480.13. Thea will accept checks for the

May luncheon through today.


Polly Edwards invited volunteers to host happy hours during the summer. volunteer group will meet as scheduled next Wednesday.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

The Montgomery

The following were elected unanimously to the Executive Board:

First Vice President (Programs): Laura Robbins

Treasurer: Suze Fry

Bylaws (Parliamentarian): Alix de Seife

Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Remeny


Michael Enns announced that the new offices of the Executive Board will be installed at the May luncheon.

In order to get a final count Thea asked that she be notified of additional guests at the May luncheon. Those members who attend the May business meeting but who have not arranged for the luncheon may not remain at the luncheon site.

Member Highlight

Pippa Milne featured Nancy Anderson.


The meeting was adjourned at 10.30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary



Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, March 9, 2023

Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at the home of Alexis

Magaro. The minutes of the February general meeting were accepted.

Inspirational Message

Suze Fry read an inspirational message.


Karen Rombough announced that that the April meeting will be held at the new building at the Kampong and that the director will speak.


Heather Wulkan announced that checks for membership are due April 1st and that checks should be mailed to her. Eighteen active members and eighteen associate members have paid their annual dues to date. There are fifteen people on the membership waiting list and there are two members on the waiting list for associate membership.

Treasurer’s Report

Thea Oberlander reported a current bank balance of $8,316.38. A donation was made to the Dolphins’ Cancer in memory of Vickie Matthews.

Thea will accept checks for the May luncheon until April 12th.


Polly Edwards announced the hosts for the April meeting. The Montgomery volunteer group will meet as scheduled next Wednesday.

Old Business

Andrea Clement asked that intentions for hosting happy hours and Inquisitive Gardeners events

be addressed to her.

Michael Enns, chair the Nomination Committee for the Executive Committee Board, announced the following slate of officers for 2023-2024 who will be voted upon at the May meeting.

First Vice President (Programs): Laura Robbins

Treasurer: Suze Fry

Bylaws (Parliamentarian): Alix de Seife

Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Remeny


Thea Oberlander announced that “hibiscus” will be the theme of the May luncheon. Members are asked to dress accordingly.

Carla Blanco has the web site is up to date. She will make any requested updates.

New Business

Andrea Clement asks that photos be relayed to her for the May luncheon photo review. Nancy Anderson announced that the county was still providing compost bins.


The meeting was adjourned at 10.25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary




Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, February 9, 2023


Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  

Sandra Farwell Elliott  thanked those who helped with the February 4th plant exchange.  Its success was enthusiastically acknowledged.


The business meeting was paused for day’s program after which the business meeting continued.


Inspirational Message

Carla Blanco read an inspirational message.



Heather Wulkan announced that checks for membership are due April 1st and that checks should be mailed to her.  The Executive Board had decided to keep the dues at the existing rate of $110 for active members and $140 for associate members.  Heather reminded active members that attendance at four meeting per year is required. There are fourteen people on the membership waiting list and that there are two members on the waiting list for associate membership.

Michael Enns will chair the Nomination Committee for the Executive Committee Board. At the April meeting the positions of First Vice President (Programs), Treasurer, Bylaws Parliamentarian and Corresponding Secretary will be elected.


Treasurer’s Report

Thea Oberlander reported a current bank balance of $11,938.18. 

Some of the Club’s table linens have been misplaced and Thea asked for help in locating them. 



Polly Edwards reported no difficulties.


Old Business

Andrea Clement asked that intentions for hosting happy hours be addressed to her. 

Nancy encouraged allowing plants to go to seed in order to increase plant production and provide for pollinators.

The minutes of the January 12, 2023 meeting were approved.


New Business 

Both Karen Kearns and Beatriz Bolton will host February happy hours. 


Member Highlight

Pippa Milne conversed with Alice Hector, the featured member.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary




Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, January 12, 2023


Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  

Louise thanked Françoise Ibars for hosting the holiday party as well as those who organized it.  The success of the party was enthusiastically acknowledged.


Inspirational Message

Thea Oberlander read a passage on behalf of Suze Fry.



Heather Wulkan reported that there are fourteen people on the membership waiting list and that there are two members on the waiting list for associate membership.


Plant Exchange

Sandra Farwell Elliot announced the plant exchange at her home on February 4th .  To avoid strong sunlight, plants this year will be placed on the west side of the property and the exchange will begin later in the day.  Guests will arrive at 11:30 to arrange their plants, lunch will be at noon, and the exchange will follow. There will be a silent auction for those more expensive or exotic plants following the general exchange.  Sandra welcomed ideas from the membership for a more organized plant selection 

Mary Ann Gibbs suggested that plants be tagged with better information as to identification, care and to include the name of the person offering the plant.  Polly Edwards will rework the plant labels.

Andrea Clement offered to accept the RSVPs for the exchange.



The business meeting was paused for day’s program after which the business meeting continued.


Treasurer’s Report

Thea Oberlander reported a current bank balance of $12,454.43 at the Coconut Grove Bank and Trust.  The bank does not have Zelle services for non-personal accounts.

The May 11th luncheon will continue to be priced at $60.  Thea must receive that payment no later than April 13th.



Polly Edwards announced that the Montgomery volunteer crew will meet this month on the 25th.  She invited all to participate but to text her their intentions.

She asked that hosts acknowledge her reminders for meeting assignments and that happy hour hosts choose their dates as early as possible.


Old Business

 Louise thanked Veronica Matzner for hosting her December happy hour.  

Carla Blanco reminded members to RSVP to the person indicated on the invitation, not to the general Club site.

The minutes of the November 10, 2022 meeting were approved.


New Business

Andrea Clement invited all to come to her happy hour January 26th at 5:30.


Member Highlight

Pippa Milne conversed with Suzi James, the featured member.



The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary








Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, November 10, 2022


Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  The minutes of the October 13, 2022, meeting were approved. 

Louise reported that Gerri Smith had lost her husband.

Louise announced that the holiday part will be held December 8th at the home of Francoise Ibars.


Member Highlight 

Pippa Milne introduced Sandra Farwell Elliot as the featured member.



Polly Edwards announced a happy hour on November 17th hosted by Michael Ennes at his home.



The field trip to the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens must be rescheduled. Karen Rombough is seeking an alternative date.



Carla Blanco gave the treasurer’s report on behalf of Thea Oberlander. 

The cash balance on November 3rd  was $19,871.76.

The fee for the holiday party holiday party is $70 per person. Thea must receive checks by November 28th.



Nancy Anderson gave tips on growing tomatoes.


Old Business

Isabelle Andrews, chair of the holiday party, reported its ongoing activities. 


New Business

The Executive Board has decided not to volunteer with additional local organizations at this time.



The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary








Minutes of the General Membership Meeting, October 13, 2022

Call to Order

President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Kampong. The minutes of the September 8, 2022, meeting were approved.

Inspirational Message

Polly Edwards read an inspirational message on behalf of Suze Fry.

Member Highlight

Mike Rosenberg was featured.


Polly Edwards noted the Montgomery Gardeners meeting at the Montgomery Botanical Center on Wednesday morning. A text was sent to all who had signed up. Others may text Polly if they wish to be included. All members are invited to a happy hour at the home of Isabelle Andrews on Thursday.


Karen Rombough announced that the November 10th meeting will be at the Montgomery Botanical Center. Details can be found on the webpage.


Heather Wulkan reported that active and associate memberships are at full capacity. There is a waitlist of 12 for active membership but there is no waitlist for associate membership since all have been accommodated for the 2022-2023 season.

Active members were reminded to attend four meetings and to sign in to account for their attendance. Name badges must be returned at the end of each meeting. Heather gave directories to those members who had paid Thea for them.


Thea Oberlander reported a cash balance per check register of October 13 of $20,631.86. Disbursements totaled $415.81. Printing yearbook binders cost $165.81 and a donation of $250.00 was made to the Montgomery Botanical Center.


Sandra Farwell Elliot discussed different planting media for orchids. This informa3on will be added to the club’s website.

New Business

Isabelle Andrews, chair of the holiday party, solicited the group for a home venue. Alexis Magaro, Anne Tastiel and Josette Grassie offered their homes. The party will be held in the first half of December.

Louise noted that Ana Rosa Phillips will chair the Kampong luncheon in May with her commitee, Bethany Millard and Thea Oberlander.

Member Alix de Seife thanked the club for the floral display it sent her when she broke her leg last spring.

Pat Richards announced October birthdays for Linda Chapin, Emily Clemente, Ghislaine Greene, Alexis Magaro, Barbara Barnard and Yevette Shapiro.


The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary




General Membership Meeting Minutes, September 8, 2022


*Call to Order - President Louise Petrine Stansell called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at the Montgomery Botanical Center.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Louise noted the passing of Lynn Parks and that a donation was made in her name to the Montgomery Center.  She also noted the reception for the ten new members coordinated by Mary Ann Gibbs last week.  The minutes of the May 3, 2022 were approved.


*Inspirational Message - Louise read a few inspirational messages.


*Member Highlight - Pippa Milne had a dialog with Andrea Clement about Andrea’s experience and interests.


*Hospitality - Speaking for Polly Edwards, Andrea Clement explained the Club’s Happy Hour, Inquisitive Gardeners and the Montgomery Gardener activities.  Sign-up sheets for volunteers were circulated.  It is expected that Happy Hour and Inquisitive Gardeners activities will occur monthly at a time chosen by the host.  The Montgomery Gardeners meet there on the third Wednesday every month.

Louise thanked the hosts for the morning refreshments. The website lists each host’s assigned dates.  Members must arrange for their own replacement if they cannot fulfill their assignment and must notify Polly.  


*Programs - Karen Rombough announced the full schedule for the coming season.  The January meeting will be a tour of the Morikami Gardens.  It has yet to be decided if transportation will be a by bus or carpool.  It may be necessary to alternate two speakers’ dates; if so, that will be posted on the website.


*Membership - Heather Wulkan reported that the membership is full for both the general and associate member categories. This year there are ten new members.  There are twelve people on the waiting list.  Members are reminded to sign in before each meeting because the sign-in sheet is used to determine attendance.  Attendance, at a minimum of four meetings, is required of general members.


*Corresponding Secretary - Nancy Anderson reported that email messages will now come from a Garden Club address and not her own address.  She will send two notices before each meeting.  Members must respond to the RSVP even if the reply is negative. Carla Blanco will record the responses in order to plan for adequate seating.  Replies should be sent to Carla.


*Treasurer - Thea Oberlander has summarized her report as shown here.  A suggestion was made that, in order to curb expenses, members supply the plants that are sent in sympathy. Currently Thea has plants sent from professional services.  Because few plants are sent it is expedient to continue this practice.


Coconut Grove Garden Club

     9/8/22 Club Meeting

       Treasurer’s Report

                                                    Submitted 9/8/22



Cash Balance on 9/7/22 per Check Register $20,711.86



Disbursements:    $1,891.65. 

Donation to Montgomery Botanic Center in memory of Lyn Parks

Flowers for 2 members who were seriously ill

  Donation to the Tropical Audubon Society

                             Stationary supplies – which included 10 new binders for new members

Rental cost for Introduction of Club for new members.


Discuss Budget:

Our budget for next year of $14,130.00 is approved.  It is a little over the past

two years and we expect with inflation costs that it will be somewhat higher than


              Please remember when submitting any reimbursements that you MUST have a

Receipt to present for that reimbursement.  Also, according to our bylaws, any amount

over $75.00 must first be approved by the Board prior to being spent.



Thea Burger





*Slow Food - Sean Reichert reported that five schools are participating in the program and that nineteen others have asked to participate.  Volunteers can contact Sean for details. The schedule is typically 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. Monday through Friday beginning in October.  Carla will post the schedule.


*Year Book - Shirley Berckmans will print ten copies of the yearbook which can be purchased for $10 each.  The yearbook content is available on the website.


*Horticulture - Sandra Farwell Elliot recommended numerous activities for September gardens. Activities include those for tomatoes, orchids, annuals and garden pests and diseases. She also recommended preparations for the upcoming hurricane season. Her recommended commercial products and as well as places to purchase plants will be noted on the web site. Plants can now be prepared for the plant exchange.


*Veggie Patch - Nancy Anderson is willing to organize a tomato seed exchange and tomato planting again this year if there is interest.  Nancy recommended some plant venders and some upcoming events.  These will be posted in the “Veggie Patch” on the website.


*Adjournment - The meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Linda Chapin, Recording Secretary








*Call to Order - President (Mary Ann Gibbs) – The meeting, held at the Kampong, was called to order at 10:46 AM; the minutes of our previous meeting (4-14-22) were approved. 


*Inspirational Message (Suze Fry) – Barbara Barnard shared a treasured inspiration poem, which will be posted to the Club’s website.


*Annual Luncheon Slide Show (Andrea Clement & Yvette Shapiro) – These amazing ladies presented a slide show with pictures taken just a few moments earlier as well as ones from past events. Well done!


*Membership Committee Chair/2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara introduced 10 new members and 3 Honorary/Life members, Carla Blanco, Sandra Farwell-Elliot and Sean Reichert, whose tireless dedication and effort has contributed so much to our wonderful Club.


*Social Media (Carla Blanco) – Carla told our new members how to access our Club website and Facebook page.  


*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Thea reported a balance of $20,502.55 and requested members to submit any receipts for Club expenses. Suggestions for donations to local gardening-related organizations can be made to Thea by email or text, or via the website form, and are due by August 15th. 


* President’s Message (Mary Ann Gibbs) – Mary Ann thanked this year’s Board members: 1st Vice-President and Program Chair – Karen Rombough, 2nd Vice-President and Membership Chair – Barbara Barnard, 3rd Vice-President and Social Media Director – Carla Blanco, Treasurer – Thea Oberlander, Parliamentarian/ Bylaws Chair – Marie Pappas, Recording Secretary – Suze Fry, Corresponding Secretary and Veggie Patch coach – Nancy Anderson, and also thanked Conservation Chair and organizer of Hospitality, Happy Hour and Inquisitive Gardeners – Polly Edwards, Horticulture Chair and Plant Exchange hostess – Sandra Farwell-Elliot, Kampong Luncheon Chair – Alexis Magaro, Slow Food Miami VP – Sean Reichert , Photographer – Yvette Shapiro, and Digital Art Contributor – Lisa Remeny. Karen Rombough and Sandra Farwell-Elliot presented past President, Carla Blanco, and outgoing President, Mary Ann Gibbs, with gifts for their service.


* New Business – Installation of incoming Board Members and introduction of 2022-2023 Executive Board (Mary Ann Gibbs): Mary Ann Gibbs welcomed incoming Executive Board members, President – Louise Petrine-Stansell, 2nd Vice-President and Membership Chair – Heather Wulkan, and Recording Secretary – Lin Chapin, and announced the names of members who are remaining on the Board: 1st Vice-President and Program Chair – Karen Rombough, 3rd Vice-President – Mary Ann Gibbs, Treasurer – Thea Oberlander, Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Anderson, and Parliamentarian/Bylaws Chair – Marie Pappas. Our incoming President, Louise Petrine-Stansell, gave a heart-felt acceptance speech and thanked members for their support and encouragement. 


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 11:27 AM and Kampong Luncheon Chair, Alexis Magaro, invited everyone to join her for our traditional group photo in front of the kapok tree followed by a fabulous luncheon.


Suze Fry, Recording Secretary  





General Membership Meeting Minutes, April 14, 2022


*Call to Order – President Mary Ann Gibbs called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. at the Fruit and Spice Park at The Redland. We recited the Pledge of Allegiance.  The minutes of the March 10, 2022 meeting were approved.


*Inspirational Message – Nancy Anderson gave the Inspirational message. She also reported that some local libraries were giving compost workshops. Check with the library for more details.


*Election of Officers for the 2022-2024 Board of Directors – The following officers were elected unanimously:  President – Louise Petrine Stansell, Membership Chairman - Heather Wulkan, and Recording Secretary – Lin Chapin. They will be installed at the May 3rd meeting at The Kampong.


*Hospitality – Mary Ann reminded members that it is their responsibility to check the website under “Hosts for Meetings” to see when they are required to bring a dish or refreshment to a membership meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting it is your responsibility to find someone to take your place.  It’s is also the responsibility of sponsors to remind your new member that you brought into the club to honor this commitment.


*Donations Made by Club – Due to questions about club donations, Mary Ann clarified the process by which we make these decisions. Our policy is to donate only to local non-profit groups in Coconut Grove and the surrounding area. In September the Executive Board begins the process considering donations in the new budget, which is approved at the Board’s September meeting and approved by the Membership at the September General Meeting. The donations are given on Give Miami Day in mid-November. On that day the funds given are increased by the Miami Foundation.


If any member would like to see our club make a donation to a particular organization, please let us know by August 15th. You can email your request to Treasurer, Thea Oberlander, or to the President of the club. There is a form on the website under “Giving” that you can use.


*Treasurer’s Report – This was given by Carla Blanco in Thea Oberlander’s absence.  We have a balance of $20,598.79 in our treasury. Carla also read the following letter from Thea:


Firstly, I want to thank the vast majority of club members who have paid their annual dues a couple of days early due to my travels. It was appreciated. However, as usual, there have been a few – it is always the same few – that have to be constantly reminded and contacted until they pay. I have collected dues for several years now and a suggestion has been made to me that perhaps to assist future Treasurers that The Board discuss a late fee be applied to the dues for those members who ignore the deadline date. This may help solve the problem in the future.


A reminder to you all to suggest a local charity that you want us to give a donation to this next fiscal year. Recommendations should be emailed to Thea prior to the September 8th Board Meeting so that your suggestion may be discussed to be included in next year’s donation list.


Our current balance seems high because of two years of no parties, no luncheons, Zoom meetings and no speaker fees.  But we still have expenses that will be paid this year and the large balance will quickly drop so don’t get too excited about our balance.  Our current balance is $20,598.79.


All legal documents required by the State of Florida and Federal Government have been filed for this fiscal year.


Fees for our Kampong luncheon on Tuesday, May 3rd, will be paid to Suze Fry prior to the luncheon.  Nancy Anderson will be taking care of any flowers which need to be sent to fellow members.  I thank them both.


I look forward to seeing you all at the luncheon.  I can still be reached by email so if you have any comments or questions feel free to contact me while I’m away.


Thea Oberlander, April 2022.


*Kampong Luncheon – Alexis Magaro is taking reservations for the luncheon.  Please give money or checks to Louise Petrine Stansell today.  


*Horticulture – Sandra Farwell-Elliot gave a report on horticulture.  She told us that Nutricote is an excellent controlled release fertilizer and comes in different strengths for various uses such as for pots, indoors and outdoors. Miami-Dade County is restricting fertilizer use (containing nitrogen or phosorous) from May 15th through October 31st to limit pollution of Biscayne Bay water.


*Happy Hour – Polly Edwards announced that the next Happy Hour would be at the home of Ana Rosa Phillips on April 29, 2020, and open to 20 members only.


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.


*Program – Karen Rombough introduced our speaker Louise King of The Fruit and Spice Park.  She gave a very interesting talk and then took us on a walking tour of the park. Afterward we were treated to sundaes topped with some of the unusual fruits of the Park.


Submitted by Louise Petrine Stansell, in the absence of Suze Fry, Recording Secretary







*Call to Order - President (Mary Ann Gibbs) – The meeting held in Alexis Magaro’s lovely garden was called to order at 10:00 AM; Mary Ann thanked Alexis for hosting our meeting. Minutes of our previous meeting (2-10-22) were approved. 


*Inspirational Message (Suze Fry) – Suze presented an inspiration quote, which will be posted to the Club’s website.


*Horticulture (Sandra Farwell-Elliot) – Sandra thanked everyone who participated the Plant Exchange for their help and asked for input for next year’s event; she also asked members to consider bringing a “special plant” to auction off.


*Nominating Committee Chair (Polly Edwards) – Polly and her Committee members, Jeanne Wigg and Karen Rombough, chose the following candidates for open Officer positions for the upcoming year: President – Louise Stansell, Membership Chair – Heather Wulkan, and Recording Secretary – Lin Chapin. Marie Pappas explained the Nominating Committee’s purpose is to identify and nominate candidates; members can also nominate candidates at the March and April General Membership Meetings.


*Membership Committee Chair/ 2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara reported all requests from members who asked to be transferred from Active Membership to Associate were granted. Forms for updating member information were available at the meeting and are also on the Club’s website.


*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Thea reported a balance of $15,358.78. She also announced dues are due to her by March 29th; they can be paid via check or cash – Zelle should be available as an option next year. Suze Fry has been assigned to collect the Kampong Luncheon fee of $50. The Board was asked to consider donating to other causes, and if this could be done prior to the new budget being approved this Fall - these topics will be discussed at the next Board meeting. All donations are announced at the General Membership Meetings, captured in the Meeting Minutes, and posted to the Club’s website.


*Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy thanked Kirsten Hines for her husband’s excellent presentation on the history of the Everglades at last month’s meeting. She also talked about tomato gardening and composting; she suggested members could start “tomato nurseries” to donate to Slow Foods for planting at local elementary schools.


*Media (Carla Blanco) – Carla reported the Club website is up to date.  


*Conservation Committee Chair/Hospitality/Happy Hour/Inquisitive Gardeners (Polly Edwards) – Volunteers for the Montgomery Botanical Center meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:30 AM – please let Polly know if you plan to attend. Polly thanked the hostesses for bringing refreshments. Happy Hour and Inquisitive Gardener events will be announced as they are scheduled; the next Happy Hour is at Karen Kearns on March 24th.


*Photography (Yvette Shapiro) – Yvette thanked members for sending her pictures to post on our website and Facebook page.


* Program Chair/1st Vice-President (Karen Rombough) – Karen announced the April 14th meeting will at the Fruit and Spice Park (24801 SW 187th Avenue, Homestead) and feature a sundae with tropical fruit toppings.


*New Business – Louise Petrine showed off a fabulous quilt called “Pandemic Pandemonium in the Garden” to be raffled off during the Villager’s Redland Garden Tour on March 12th; contact her for tickets.


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM and followed by Armando Droulers’ wonderful presentation featuring Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida’s famous paintings of gardens.


Suze Fry, Recording Secretary  








*Call to Order - President (Mary Ann Gibbs) – The meeting was held at the Montgomery Botanical Center and called to order at 9:45 AM. Mary Ann asked members to please RSVP if they plan to attend meetings, so we have enough chairs set up for everyone; Carla Blanco asked members to RSVP the link to Lin Chapin – do not reply to the email notice. Minutes of the 1-13-22 meeting were approved.


*Inspirational Message/Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy presented an inspirational gardening quote, which will be posted to the Club’s website. She also talked about rodent control methods, which included metal pie plates and instant mashed potato flakes.


*Birthday Announcement (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara recognized members with February birthdays.


*Membership Committee Chair/ 2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara introduced new prospective members; she reported membership is full at 85 members (50 Active Members and 35 Associates). Barbara also announced Polly Edwards as Chair of the Nominating Committee; Polly’s Nominating Committee nominees, Karen Rombough and Jeanne Wigg, were announced, voted on, and approved.  Yearbook covers will be given to last year’s new members, Diane Siekman and Bethany Millard.


*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Thea reported a balance of $16,598.05. She also announced she will be collecting dues, instead of Barbara Barnard; dues can be paid via check or Zelle - payment instructions will be posted to our website.


*Media (Carla Blanco) – Carla reported the Club website is up to date.  


*Conservation Committee Chair/Inquisitive Gardeners/Happy Hour/Hospitality (Polly Edwards) – Volunteers for the Montgomery Botanical Center meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:30 AM – please let Polly know if you plan to attend. Inquisitive Gardener and Happy Hour events will be announced as they are scheduled. Polly thanked the hosts/hostesses for bringing the scrumptious refreshments.


*Horticulture (Sandra Farwell-Elliot) – This year’s Plant Exchange will once again be held at Sandra’s amazing garden on February 26th. Sandra explained logistic for this year’s event and passed around sign-up sheets to volunteer for potluck dishes and clean-up duties; “special plants” will be in a Silent Auction.


*Sean Reichert/ Slow Food – Sean reported 26 school gardens have been installed and 5 more were requested; volunteers are welcome to assist with school garden plantings, which start at 8:30 AM – contact him if you wish to volunteer.


*Photography (Yvette Shapiro) – Yvette thanked members for sending her their pictures; she posts them to our website and Facebook page, in addition to including them in our Annual Luncheon slideshow. 


*New Business – Mary Ann Gibbs announced Michael Rosenberg is Chair of the Annual Kampong Luncheon Chair scheduled for Tuesday, May 3rd; contact Michael if you would like to volunteer to assist him. Louise Petrine announced the Villager’s Redland Garden Tour on March 12th. which is also featuring a raffle for fabulous quilt called “Pandemic Pandemonium in the Garden”.


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM and followed by James Kushlan’s most excellent program on the history of the Everglades. 


Suze Fry, Recording Secretary  







*President (Mary Ann Gibbs) – The meeting was held via Zoom and called to order at 9:35 AM. Minutes of the previous General Meeting (12-9-21) were approved.


*Inspirational Message (Suze Fry) – Suze presented an inspirational gardening quote, which will be posted to the Club’s website.


*Birthday Announcement (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara recognized members with January birthdays.


*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Thea reported a balance of $16,659.30. 


*Corresponding Secretary (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy received a thank you note from

JoAnn Moebus for the orchid we sent to cheer her up when she was ill.


*Membership Committee Chair/ 2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara reported membership is full at 85 members (50 Active Members and 35 Associates), which includes 10 new Active Members who will be joining us in September. The Board will decide at their next meeting on February 3rd whether prospective members, incoming members and guests should be invited to the March meeting at Alexis Magaro’s garden as the number of attendees could be quite large and we wish to comply with the recommended guidelines to minimize the risk of exposure to Covid.


*Program Chair/1st Vice-President (Karen Rombough) – This month’s previously scheduled event at Fruit and Spice Park has been rescheduled to April. The February meeting will be held at the 

Montgomery Botanical Center and feature a presentation by Dr. James Kushland. Armando Droulers is scheduled to speak on March 10th at Alexis Magaro’s garden in Coconut Grove (3938 Leafy Way).


*Media (Carla Blanco) – Carla reported the Club’s website is up to date.  


*Conservation Committee Chair (Polly Edwards) – Volunteers will meet on Wednesday, 1/19/21 at 7:30 AM at the Montgomery Botanical Center – please let Polly know if you plan to attend.


*Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy gave an informative report on how to nurture tomato and pepper plants. 


*Horticulture (Sandra Farwell-Elliot) – This year’s Plant Exchange will be held at Sandra’s garden on February 26th. Sandra gave us an excellent demonstration how to propagate various plants.


*Photography (Yvette Shapiro) – Yvette asked members to take pictures at events and send them to her; she will investigate ways to share photos.


*New Business – Mary Ann Gibbs announced the Holiday Party has been cancelled due to the ongoing Covid outbreak. The Annual Kampong Luncheon has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 3rd.


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:33 AM. 

Suze Fry, Recording Secretary   





*  Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by President Mary Ann Gibbs at 10:10 AM 

    at Montgomery Botanical Center.  She thanked the hostesses for the refreshments and gave 

    a special thank you to Patrick Griffith for helping to facilitate our meeting at Montgomery. 

    Minutes of the previous General Meeting (11-14-21) were approved.


*  Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Thea reported a balance of $17,614.39. Donations were 

    made on Give Miami Day and thank you notes have been received from everyone.  Flowers 

    were sent to JoAnn Moebus, who is ill.


*  Corresponding Secretary (Nancy Anderson) – A card was sent to JoAnn Moebus.  Nancy

    also gave a few tips to those who planted tomatoes at her Workshop.


* Membership Committee Chair/ 2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – Barbara reported we 

   have a full membership.


*  Media (Carla Blanco) – Carla said the website is up to date.  Let her know if you need anything 

    added or if you want to give her an updated photo.


*  Conservation Committee Chair (Polly Edwards) – Polly said the Inquisitive Gardeners met

yesterday at Michael Enns’ home.  Volunteers will meet on Wednesday, 12-15-21, at 7:30 AM at Montgomery Botanical Center. Lisa Remeny will host a Happy Hour on Thursday, 12-16-21. 


*  Slow Food (Sean Reichert) – Sean reported they have a goal of doing 45 school

    gardens this year and have planted 20 so far.  Future dates to volunteer will be 

    posted on our website.


*  Program Chair/1st Vice-President (Karen Rombough) – The January meeting will be held at the 

    Fruit and Spice Park.


*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM. 


 Minutes submitted by Louise Petrine on behalf of Suze Fry, Recording Secretary




Call to Order –President MaryAnn Gibbs called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. at the Underline under the Metrorail in downtown Brickell. 


October Membership Minutes Approval -- The membership approved the minutes of the October 14, 2021 membership meeting.


New Parliamentarian – For personal reasons Parliamentarian Jean Anne Davis has resigned from the Executive Board. At its November 4 meeting the CGGC Executive Board unanimously approved Marie Pappas, a former CGGC president and Parliamentarian, to complete Jean’s term of office.


Treasurer’s Report by Thea Oberlander – Thea said the Executive Board had approved donations for 2021-2022 at its November meeting.  Being that we were in a public space, our account balance was not given.


Membership Committee (Barbara Barnard) – Membership is nearly at the maximum. We have 50 Active members and 25 Associate members presently on record. In addition, nine active members have requested to change to associate status at the end of the year. Since the by-laws allow a total of 35 Associate members, only one associate spot is available. That means our club is nearing its maximum of 85 members.

Barbara reminded everyone that all members received credit for attending the September Zoom membership meeting and therefore are required to attend only three more meetings to meet the attendance requirement this year. She also reminded everybody that we have an extra membership meeting this year in December in lieu of the annual Christmas Party. The party has been moved to mid-February with a Valentine’s Day theme.

Barbara also said we have quite a few members' birthdays in November:  Sandra Farwell Elliott, Pippa Milne, Jocelyn Tennille, Polly Edwards, and Lisa Remeny. The membership wished them all a Happy Birthday.


Program Committee/1st Vice-President (Karen Rombough) – Karen Rombough talked about today’s presentation and shared info with members about upcoming meetings. 


Media/Communications (Carla Blanco) –The website is up to date. 


Conservation Committee (Polly Edwards) – Polly said club members continue to volunteer at Montgomery Garden on the third Wednesday of every month, starting at 8 a.m. Polly encouraged all volunteers to let her know via email whether they plan to participate so she can let the people at Montgomery know how many club members will be participating on any particular morning.


The Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Carla Blanco attended Nancy’s second workshop with two other club members. They planted several kinds of cherry tomatoes. Carla said hers are doing very well.


Horticulture Committee (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra said it was that time of year to begin getting plants from around our garden that we want to share started or potted for the plant exchange in February.


Member Highlight Member highlights will be back, starting in December when we meet at Montgomery.


Hospitality No food or drink was provided for this meeting because we met outside where it was difficult to transport and display food items.


Inquisitive Gardeners and Happy Hour – Polly Edwards said neither are scheduled for this month.


Slow Food (Sean Reichert) – Carla Blanco reported for Sean. She said Slow Food has planted 10 garden beds so far this year and plans to plant three beds next week and one the following week for a total of four more plantings for the month of November. Slow Food needs volunteers and encourages club members to help plant the beds.


New Business – Microphone – Member Josette Grassie commented that it was easy to hear everything said at the meeting because the speakers used a microphone provided by the folks at the Underline. The president asked members if they agreed that a microphone made it easier for them to hear everything. The consensus was yes. The club is investing in a microphone for future meetings.


Adjournment –The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. Then Patrice Gillespie Smith, chief operating officer of Friends of the Underline, gave an overview of the Underline and took members on a tour of the completed Brickell leg of the urban park under the Metrorail.

Mary Ann Gibbs for Suze Fry, Recording Secretary   







*Call to Order – President MaryAnn Gibbs called the meeting at the Kampong to order at 10:15 AM. Minutes of the previous meeting (9-9-21) were approved. 

*Inspirational Message (Suze Fry) – Suze shared a short message related to the enjoyment and benefits of gardening; members can contact her or use the sign-up sheet if they would like to volunteer to offer an inspirational message/verse at future meetings.

*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Our account balance is $21,825.76. There is a form on the website for members to propose donations or projects (“CGGC Community Donations Project application Form”); forms for donations should be submitted by November 2nd as all donations will be made on Give Miami Day to maximize the amounts donated.

*Membership Committee/2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – There are 50 Active and 25 Associate members, which leaves 10 Associate slots open. Attendance will be taken starting today; Active members are being given credit for the September 9th General Meeting held via Zoom, so they are now required to attend only 3 more meetings to remain in good standing.

*Program Committee/1st Vice-President (Karen Rombough) – Mary Ann Gibbs reported for Karen; nothing new to report.

*Media/Communications (Carla Blanco) – Thea Oberlander reported for Carla. The website is up to date and a calendar tab has been added to facilitate finding event information; she thanked Lisa Remeny for making our website so beautiful using her graphic design expertise. Mary Ann Gibbs presented the survey results regarding holding our annual party in February instead of December (59 voted “yes” and only 1voted “no”).

*Conservation Committee (Polly Edwards) – Betsy Steel reported for Polly. She announced the next monthly maintenance event at Montgomery Botanical Center will be on Wednesday, October 20th at 8 am (members must contact Polly to RSVP if they wish to volunteer). Mary Ann Gibbs announced we will be assisting Kampong with the planting of their solution holes. Sign-up sheets are being circulated for members to volunteer to host a Happy Hour or Inquisitive Gardener event.

* The Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Sandra Elliot reported for Nancy. Nancy will be hosting a second “Tomato Potting Party” on Monday, October 18th at 9:30 am (members must contact Nancy to RSVP if they wish to attend as space is limited).

* Horticulture Committee (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra presented several techniques for managing the plethora of slugs in our gardens, which will be posted on our website.

*Slow Food (Sean Reichert) – Slow Food plans to plant 45 garden beds; contact Sean to volunteer at George Washington Carver Middle School on Monday, October 18th from 8 - 11:30 am. Their Annual Teacher’s Workshop will be held on October 21st with 35 attendees expected. 

*Yearbook (Shirley Berckmans) – Mary Ann Gibbs reported for Shirley. She asked members to verify their Yearbook information is current as we wish to update the website by the end of next week; Yearbooks will be printed as needed for new members or upon request by other members. 

*Member Highlight (Gerry Smith, Julie Kelley and Pippa Milne) – Member highlights will be back next month if the meeting is in-person.

*Hospitality (Polly Edwards, Lynn Chapin, Pat Richards) Lynn asked members to check the Hospitality Schedule on our website for their assigned General Meeting hosting responsibilities. 

*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 AM.  

Suze Fry, Recording Secretary   





*Call to Order – President MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:35 AM. Minutes of the previous meeting (5-20-21) were approved. 

*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Our account balance is $21,825.76. Flowers are to be sent to members for bereavement of their direct family members only; cards will be sent for other family members. A $1,000 donation will be made to the Coconut Grove Crisis Food Pantry and information to volunteer will be posted on our website. All Club donations will be made on Give Miami Day on 11/18/21 to optimize the amounts given. 

*Membership Committee/2nd Vice-President (Barbara Barnard) – There are 50 Active and 25 Associate members, which leaves 10 Associate slots open. Transfers from Active to Associate membership are currently frozen. There are 12 people on the waiting list. Attendance will not be taken as in-person meetings are still on hold.

*Program Committee/1st Vice-President (Karen Rombough) – Future meetings will be held at either Kampong or Montgomery Botanical Center.

*Media/Communications (Carla Blanco) – The website is up to date. Carla received only 39 responses to the survey recently sent out regarding member preferences for meetings and events. A follow-up survey will be sent out, which will include her suggestion that we consider having our annual party in February instead of December.

*Graphics Editor (Lisa Remeny) – Lisa is working on a new Club logo.

*Photography (Yevette Shapiro) – Yvette encouraged members to continue posting pictures on the Club’s Facebook page.

*Conservation Committee (Polly Edwards) – Andrea Clement resigned as Co-chair for personal reasons. Polly discussed two ongoing projects: 1) the Montgomery Botanical Center monthly maintenance event every 3rd Wednesday (RSVP with Polly to volunteer), and 2) Kampong’s potting bench dedicated to CGGC, where members can propagate plants for future projects.


*Civic Committee (Michael Enns) – No report.

*Nancy Anderson (Recording Secretary) – In addition to sending out Club notices, Nancy sends cards to those who have lost a family member so let her know if you’re aware of such an event. She also thanked us for responding to the event coordinators instead of replying to the Club’s email address when receiving event notices from her.

* Vegetable Gardening (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy regularly posts veggie gardening updates (The Veggie Patch) on our website. She also plans to host two “Tomato Potting Parties”, one in September and one in October; contact her if you wish to attend.

*Yearbook (Shirley Berckmans) – Carla Blanco reported our Club Yearbook will be updated pending a review of the Bylaws. Carla will email members an updated pdf-version of our directory.


*Hospitality Committee (Polly Edwards, Lynn Chapin, Pat Richards) – The Committee hopes we can start having in-person meetings very soon. 

Suze Fry, Recording Secretary



*Call to Order – MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:30 AM. Minutes of the previous meeting (4-8-21) were approved. 

*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Carla Blanco reported for Thea. Our account balance is $22,837.21. The IRS sent a letter officially closing their earlier inquiry.

*Membership Committee (Barbara Barnard) – Our two new members, Diane Siekman and Bethany Millard, were both present. Barbara asked members to email the Committee Chair when they volunteer so their participation in Club projects can be documented.

*Program Committee (Karen Rombough) – Today’s meeting will feature a video tour of Pippa Milne’s Lovely Garden.


Conservation Committee (Andrea Clement and Polly Edwards) – Jim Kushlan’s May 13th presentation on Solution Holes was uploaded to our Club’s youtube account. We identified Plymouth Congregational Church’s existing solution hole plants; next step is to research and recommend other native plants. A planting took place on Commodore Trail next to FIU’s Research Center near the Kampong.

*Media/Communications (Carla Blanco) – Our website has a new look thanks to Lisa Remeny. Carla is responsible for content and Lisa provides artistic touches. The newsletter has been incorporated into the website. The Club’s Instagram account has been cancelled as it’s not needed. 

Photography (Yevette Shapiro) – Nancy Anderson prepared a wonderful PowerPoint presentation for us from photos submitted by members in lieu of our annual Kampong Luncheon slideshow. 

Bylaws (Jean Anne Davis) – Jean Anne requested member input as she prepares to review our current Bylaws, which she expects to complete by July 31st.

Horticulture Committee (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra advised us on what to watch for in our gardens during the current growing season.

Yearbook (Shirley Berckmans) – Shirley will work on updating our Club Yearbook. Carla Blanco will email Board members to ask if they think we should print it this year or next.

Graphics Editor (Lisa Remeny) – Lisa has been refreshing our website and is working on developing a new Club logo.


*Other Business – Nancy Anderson announced a planting event took place at Montgomery Botanical Center May 19th; the Club will continue to hold ongoing planting and clean-up events there as they will be providing meeting space for us. MaryAnn Gibbs announced a Board Meeting will be held August 5th to decide whether to hold the September 9th General Meeting in person at the Montgomery Botanical Center; she also stated members have expressed interest in starting two special interest groups, one for butterfly gardens and another for veggie gardening. 

*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.  

Suze Fry, Recording Secretary   



*Call to Order – MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:34 AM. Minutes of the previous meeting (3-11-21) were approved. The March 20th Plant Exchange was a success. Lisa Remeny volunteered to be our Graphics Editor and will redesign the Club’s logo. We will have a General Meeting in May in lieu of our Annual Luncheon. The Bylaws are under review and the Conservation Pledge will be updated to encompass today’s environmental challenges; our Statement of Purpose will stay the same.

*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Our current account balance is $14,057.43. Members were reminded that expenses intended to be submitted for reimbursement by the Club must be preapproved by the Committee Chair, and expenditures over $75 require Board approval. 

*Membership Committee (Barbara Barnard) – Membership transfers from Active to Associate have been suspended for 2021 - 2022. Barbara thanked members for their timely submission of annual dues and updated Membership Forms. She will forward any program suggestions to Karen Rombough.

*Program Committee (Karen Rombough) – Paulette Johnson reported for Karen and told us her highly anticipated video tour of the Fruit and Spice Park (24801 SW 187th Ave, Homestead, FL 33031; is still in production. 

*Conservation Committee (Andrea Clement and Polly Edwards) – The March 23rd planting event for the Commodore Trail area near Kampong off Main Hwy was a success; plants were donated by Alice Hector and Michael Rosenberg. Discussions are ongoing with the Plymouth Congregational Church to recommend native plants for their solution hole area. Nancy Anderson will continue distributing Committee meeting and event notifications to all members. Members are requested to RSVP for any in-person meeting or event.

Photography (Yevette Shapiro) – Yevette offered to take pictures of our projects for posting to our website.

*Other Business (MaryAnn Gibbs) – The 2021-2022 Board of Directors will remain the same as the current year. 

*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.  

Suze Fry, Recording Secretary    







*Call to Order – Carla Blanco called the Zoom meeting to order for MaryAnn Gibbs at 9:30 am. The minutes of the previous meeting (2-18-21) were approved.  

*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Our current account balance is $14,798.79. An expenditure was made to recognize a Member bereavement event. A $500 donation was made to the Montgomery Botanical Center. Options to pay dues digitally next year is being explored. 

*Membership Committee (Barbara Barnard) – The revised Membership Form was emailed to Members for them to print and include with their dues. The form is also posted on the website and will be mailed upon request to those unable to print it.  Dues are due April 1st; if not paid by April 15th the Member will be placed on the waiting list. New member Diane Siekman was present and introduced by her sponsor, Carla Blanco.

*Program Committee (Karen Rombough) – Today’s presentation is a video tour of Laura Robbins’ Magnificent garden.

*Horticulture Committee (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra and Michael Enns will co-host the Annual Plant Exchange at her home on Saturday, March 20th. Due to pandemic precautions, there will not be a luncheon this year. Members are requested to RSVP.  There will be a silent auction with 10% of the proceeds going to Connect-To-Protect.

*Conservation Committee (Andrea Clement and Polly Edwards) – A propagation table has been set up and designated for CGGC at Kampong to foster seedings and cuttings; Members were requested to donate seedings and cuttings.  A planting event for the Commodore Trail area near the new FIU building off Main Hwy will take place March 23rd. The Committee also met with the Plymouth Congregational Church to discuss a possible project regarding native plants for their solution hole area. 

Civic Committee (Michael Enns) – Michael Enns will co-host the Annual Plant Exchange with Sandra Farwell at her home on Saturday, March 20th. He is also assisting the Conservation Committee with the Commodore Trail Project.

*Website/Communications (Carla Blanco) – Carla updated the website to include the revised Membership Form.

*Adjournment – The business portion of meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.  

Suze Fry, Recording Secretary   





*Call to Order – MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:32 am. The minutes of the previous meeting (11-12-20) were approved.  

*Treasurer (Thea Oberlander) – Our current account balance is $14,898.93. Expenditures were made to recognize Member bereavement events. 

*Membership Committee (Barbara Barnard) – Karen Kearns has asked to be transferred from Active to Associate membership, leaving an opening for a new Active member. The next person on the Active Member Waiting List will be announced at the March meeting.

Conservation Committee (Andrea Clement and Polly Edwards) – Andrea connected with Gaby Lopez from Neat Streets Miami, an organization that provides free native plants, and was able to procure several for our Women’s Club Project. Their next event is March 20th.


*Program Committee (Karen Rombough) – Today’s meeting features “An Introduction to Smartphone Plant Photography”, presented by member Kirsten Hines. 

*Horticulture Committee (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra has volunteered to host the Plant Exchange with Michael Enns as co-host at 10 am on March 27th. The event will not include a luncheon this year. Plants should be labeled.

*Other Business – MaryAnn Gibbs announced Michael Enns is the new Civics Committee Chair.  

*Adjournment – The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.  

Suze Fry

Recording Secretary


No meeting in December 2020 or January 2021




*Call to Order – MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:36 am. The minutes of the previous meeting (October 8, 2020) were approved.  

*Treasurer’s Report (Thea Oberlander) – The current account balance is $15,882.82.  Donations will be made to Slow Food Miami $500 and the Women’s Club Beatification Project $250 on Give Miami Day (11/19/20), as donations made on this day will be supplemented by the Miami Foundation. Also $250 was budgeted for the Conservation Committee; $250 will be requested for the Civic Committee at the next Board meeting.


*Conservation/Civics Committee (Andrea Clement and Polly Edwards) – The Conservation Committee has been separated from the Civics Committee. The Conservation Committee focuses on planting native plants, such as a butterfly garden, to support our local wildlife, some of which is becoming extinct. The Civics Committee focuses on beautifying and maintaining green spaces in Coconut Grove, such as planting native or non-native trees, and coordinating volunteer opportunities for our membership with other organizations, such as Montgomery Botanical Center. The respective mission statements will be reviewed to determine if further clarification is needed. The Conservation Committee meets via Zoom on the last Thursday of every month at 9:30 am. Current projects are the Women’s Club Beautification Project, Kampong (greenhouse space for growing native plants, a proposed butterfly garden, installation of native plants along Commodore Trail in front of Kampong). Alice Hector reported the Million Orchid Project planted 40 orchids at the Women’s Club. Kirsten Hines will be selecting plants for the pineland understory and front garden areas as well as updating the design for the backyard; the Connect to Protect Network is providing plants. The Plymouth “sinkhole project” will be evaluated by the Board to determine if it should move forward. Polly reported she discussed a butterfly garden project with Patrick Griffith from the Montgomery Botanic Center.

*Membership (Barbara Barnard) – 9 people are now on the waiting list to join. Our newest member, Melorie Noble, was introduced by Cynthia Christoff.


*Program Chair (Karen Rombough) – A virtual tour of the Naples Botanic Garden (NBG). The video will be uploaded to the Club’s Facebook page and a link posted on our website. A link to the NBG newsletter will also be posted on the website. MaryAnn Gibbs announced that events are not being scheduled due to the pandemic.


*Horticulture (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra offered some excellent gardening tips. A list of the gardening resources and products she mentioned will be posted on our website. The status of our Annual Plant Exchange will be discussed at the next Board Meeting.


*The Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy gave us some advice about what to do now in our gardens. Related links will be posted on our website. 


*Website/Communications (Carla Blanco) – Carla will update our Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts.  A plant swap section has been added the website.

*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.  

Suze Fry

Recording Secretary






*Call to Order – MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:33 am. The minutes of the previous meeting (September 10, 2020) were approved.  

*Treasurer’s Report (Thea Oberlander) – Carla Blanco reported the following for Thea: The current account balance is $15,882.82.  Donations were made to The Kampong - $500, Montgomery Botanical Center - $500, Viscaya $1,000, Coconut Grove Crisis Food Pantry $1,000, Grove Outreach - St. Hugh Catholic Church $750. Their thank you notes will be posted to our website. Donations are pending for Slow Food Miami $500 and the Connect to Protect Network $250. Other expenses were for member reimbursement and a bereavement donation. Carla is managing the ongoing IRS issue and hopes it will be over soon.

*Membership (Barbara Barnard) – 8 people are on the waiting list to join. We have 80 members (50 Regular, 24 Associate, 1 Honorary, and 5 Life members) with 5 Associate member slots available for any interested regular members.

*Program Chair (Karen Rombough) – Karen Rombough and Polly Edwards took a video when they visited the Miami Beach Botanic Garden (MBBG) in September. Carla Blanco will upload the video to the Club’s website. MBBG offered to host a tour and Happy Hour event for the Club. A link to their newsletter will be posted to our website.


*Conservation Committee (Polly Edwards and Andrea Clement) – The Committee is working with the Connect to Protect Network. Currently there are no scheduled activities. Members were asked to contact Andrea if they are interested in volunteering. 


*Community Projects (Alice Hector) – Alice gave an update on the Women’s Club gardens. The Million Orchid Project is scheduled to do an installation there on October 21. Kirsten Hines will be selecting plants for the pineland understory and front garden areas. Members were asked to contact Alice to volunteer to install them as well as provide regular maintenance of the existing plants. Renovation of the backyard area is planned for next year.



*Horticulture (Sandra Elliot) – Sandra gave an update on her gardening activities. A recipe for Insecticidal Soap will be posted on our website.


*Slow Food (Sean Reichert) – There is no restart date yet. Last year they were able to plant gardens at 23 new schools and revisit 36 planted previously.


*The Veggie Patch (Nancy Anderson) – Nancy talked about raised-bed gardens and will post “How to Start a Vegetable Garden” on our website. 


*Website/Communications (Carla Blanco) – Carla emphasized our website is our main way to communicate and gave an update on the Club’s Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts.  


*Member Directory (Shirley Berckmans) – A new directory will not be printed this year due as there are so few changes. Email her if you want a pdf version. Check our website for the most current Bylaws.

*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.  

Suze Fry

Recording Secretary



*Call to Order – MaryAnn Gibbs called the Zoom meeting to order at 9:30 am. The minutes of the previous meeting (March 12, 2020) were approved.  

*Treasurer’s Report (Thea Oberlander) – Karen Rombough reported the following for Thea: The budget is essentially the same as it’s been for past two years. $300 was moved from the Hospitality budget to Programing. The current account balance is $19,971.65.  Donations include The Kampong - $500, Slow Food Miami $500, Montgomery Botanical Center - $500, Viscaya $1,000, Coconut Grove Crisis Food Pantry $1,000, Grove Outreach - St. Hugh Catholic Church $750, and the Connect to Protect Network $250. Members suggested that we also consider supporting Urban Oasis, The Barnyard – Coconut Grove Cares, Inc., and Feeding South Florida.

*Membership (Barbara Barnard) – All members are considered in “good standing” until in-person meetings are reconvened.  There are currently 50 Regular, 24 Associate, 1 Honorary, and 5 Life members; leaving 5 Associate member slots open. Membership is capped at 85. There are 6 people on the waiting list. 

*Program Chair (Karen Rombough) – Carla Blanco will upload garden videos to the Club’s website. 


*Website/Communications (Carla Blanco) – Carla has set up private Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram accounts for the Club and will be sending out their account names and passwords to members shortly. She also set up a Club email account (

*Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.  

Suze Fry

Recording Secretary





*Call to Order -  Marie Pappas called the meeting to order at 10:00 am at The Historic Walton House in the Redland.    The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.  Marie announced that flowers had been sent to Carla Blanco for the loss of her mother.


*Kampong May Luncheon -  Chairman Alice Hector reported that we would be doing a picnic type luncheon with the food coming from Joanna’s Marketplace and members bringing finger food desserts.  The cost per member is $40. and reservations must be made by April 30.


*Treasurer’s Report – The current balance in our account is $11,803.27 with distributions of $123.36.  Pending donations include:  The Kampong - $500, Slow Foods - $500, Montgomery Botanical Center - $250, The Bahamas Fund  - $750, and $441.60 remaining from the Coconut Grove Elementary School project.  The IRS case is still pending.


*Montgomery Botanical Center – They have agreed to let us have a few meetings there each year.  In return we are encouraged to volunteer.  There is an application on their website.  Not all jobs need to be done outdoors.


*Membership -  At this time we have one member going associate and one new member.  There are seven on the wait list.  Dues are due April 1st and must be accompanied by the form which was emailed to everyone and is on the website.  


*Nominating Committee – Mary Ann Gibbs, Polly Edwards and Marie Pappas presented the slate of officers for next year.  Voting will take place at the April General Meeting.  The slate is:

   Pres. - Mary Ann Gibbs

   1st V. Pres. - Karen Rombough

   2nd V. Pres. - Barbara Barnard

   3rd V. Pres. - Carla Blanco

   Recording Secretary – Suze Fry

   Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Anderson

   Treasurer – Thea Oberlander

   By-Laws/Parlimentarian – Jean Anne Davis


*Hospitality – Polly Edwards reported that the Happy Hour for this month has been canceled.


*Inquisitive Gardeners -  Laura Robbins will do the next meeting.  Details will follow.

*Member Highlight – Gerry Smith and Barbara Barnard interviewed Louise Petrine as the member highlighted.


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.  The owner of Walton House gave a tour of the property.


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary






The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by President Carla Blanco at the home of Sandra Elliot.  She thanked Sandra for opening her home.  She reminded everyone that we need prompt rsvp’s for meeting attendance as often chairs need to be rented and refreshments planned.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


* Kampong Luncheon -  Alice Hector is the chairman and Karen Finnieston will help her.  The Kampong is requesting that we use only their approved caterer.  Mike Rosenberg will try and see if we can use one of our choice.


*  Treasurer’s Report – As of January 31st we have a balance of $12,017.73.  We had disbursements of $765.22.


*  Membership – Thea Oberlander reported that there are six people on the wait list. Dues are due on April 1st.  Dues are $110. for Active members and $140. for Associates. Membership forms were sent via e-mail.


* Nominating Committee -  They are working on a slate of officers which will be announced at the next meeting.


*  Slow Food – Sean Reichert reported that there will be a school planting at West Lab School on February 20.  Their annual fundraising dinner is March 12.


*  Hospitality -  Polly Edwards announced that there would be a Happy Hour at the home of Lorelei Wagner on February 27 at 5:30 pm.


*  Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pm.


*  Program – Our speaker was Tiffany Troxler, a sea level rise expert and professor at SE Environmental Research Center at the Department of Biological Sciences at FIU.


Following the meeting we held our annual plant exchange and enjoyed a pot luck lunch.


Recording Secretary

Louise Petrine




*  Call to Order – President Carla Blanco called the meeting to order at 10:00 am at the home of Martha Mensch.  The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.  Carla reminded us to not reply “all” to e-mails.  She also said that this was the last day to turn in receipts for the Holiday Party.


Carla asked for a volunteer to chair the May Luncheon.  Alice Hector volunteered.


Carla has talked to The Montgomery Botanical Center and they have agreed to let us have several meetings a year there.  In return we will try and have some of our members do volunteer work for them.  


* Nominating Committee -  Mary Ann Gibbs will chair this committee.  Other members on the committee are Polly Edwards and Marie Pappas.


* Civics -  The Beautification Committee for the Coconut Grove Women’s Club will meet January 22, 2020 at 3:00 pm.   Polly Edwards reported that the Coconut Grove Elementary School project is underway and that the school is taking charge and we are helping in an advisory capacity.  Polly helped get the plants for them.


* Treasurer’s Report -  Stephanie Schmidt reported that 90 people attended the Holiday Party with $5280. coming in from tickets and reimbursements were made of $4255. so far.  We are short $120 in member payments, so she asked everyone to make sure a check was not misplaced.  As of December 31, there was a balance of $13,207.25 in our treasury.  We have $2,000 in the budget for the party that wasn’t used since members bought food and many didn’t ask for reimbursement.


She also announced that we are a tax exempt organization and to be sure and get our tax form when making significant purchases for the club.  She will try to put it on our website.  


Dues are due April 1, 2020 as is the fee for the May Luncheon.  Please be prompt in paying.  Dues go to Membership Chair, Thea Oberlander.  


* Hospitality – Polly Edwards will host a Happy Hour on Thursday, January 23, at 5:30 pm.


*Slow Foods -  Sean Reichert reported that school plantings are done for the year.  They planted 21 new schools and a total of 62 gardens this year.


* Newsletter -  The deadline for the newsletter is this Sunday, January 12.


* Inquisitive Gardeners -  This group will meet January 27 at the home of Michael Enos.


* Horticulture -  Sandra Elliott reminded us of the Orchid Show at Tamiami Park Youth Fair Site.  The member plant exchange will be February 15 at 11:30 at Sandra Elliott’s home.  Bring a lunch dish and plants to share.  The exchange will be at 1:00 pm.


* Member Activities -  Isabelle Andrews announced to member outings.  The first is an Indian Key outing by canoe on Saturday, February 1.  The second will be another canoe trip on the Turner River in the Everglades on February 29th.


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 am.



*Program -  Dr. Noris Ledesma gave a talk on Bees in Your Garden




OCTOBER 10,  2019


* Call To Order – The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am by President Carla Blanco at the home of Sandra Elliott.  Carla thanked Sandra for opening her home to the club.  She also thanked Polly Edwards for organizing the refreshments.


*  Minutes – The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


*  Civics -  Elizabeth Virrick Park in Coconut Grove wants to do a butterfly garden and they have the funding.  We may be able to help with this.  There will be more information next month.


Andrea Clement is still trying to set up a meeting with the Coconut Grove Elementary School for their project.  They are definitely interested in working with us.  


The Coconut Grove Women’s Club is hosting a Happy Hour for our club and theirs in appreciation of our help with their beautification project.  It will be November 1, 2019.  Details will follow by e-mail.  


* Member Activities – Isabelle Andrews and Polly Edwards are organizing two member outings: a canoe trip on the Turner River in The Everglades and a visit to Indian Key via canoe. We will have more details later.


*  Nominating Committee -  Marianne Gibbs and Marie Pappas have volunteered to chair this committee.


* Treasurer’s Report – Stephanie Schmidt reported a balance of $11,530.62 as of August 30, 2019.  There were $237. in disbursements this last month.


* Newsletter -  The deadline for the newsletter is in four days, Sunday night, for the next newsletter.  Items should go to Margaret Hoeveler.


* Inquisitive Gardener -  Lisa Remeny will send an e-mail to those on the list regarding the next meeting.


* Sean Reichert gave the dates for the Slow Food school plantings.  These will be posted on our website.  He announced that the Slow Food major fundraiser will be March 12, 2020, at The Palm Hotel, Miami Beach.


*  Hospitality -  Polly Edwards announced that the next Happy Hour will be at the home of Robin Yamil on October 24 at 5:30 pm.


* Member Highlight -  Gerry Smith highlighted Lisa Remeny.


* Horticulture – Sandra Elliott gave us tips for the month.  Keep an eye out for slugs.  Deadline is helpful to control them. Milorganite can be used in addition to fertilizer to green things up.  We will have a plant exchange in February.


*  Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.


A wonderful program was giving by member Nancy Anderson on kitchen vegetable gardening.


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary







*  The meeting was called to order by President Carla Blanco at 10:05 am.  She thanked the Women’s Club for allowing us to meet here today.  Women’s Club President Nancy Yermoli welcomed us with a few words. Carla thanked hospitality chairman Polly Edwards for organizing the refreshments.


*  Minutes – The minutes for the May General Meeting were approved.


*  Membership – Thea Oberlander reported that we have seven new members.  They will each get new yearbooks.  All other members can access the yearbook information on our website or see Carla and pay $10 for printed copies of this year’s information.


She reminded us to sign in each time and to be sure and leave our name tags after the meetings.


*  Website – Carla reported that the website is up to date.  Please remember to send pictures of club events throughout the year to Andrea Clement as she will again do an end-of-year slide show.


*  Programs -  Carla thanked Mary Ann Gibbs and her committee for their work in lining up great programs for the year.  Next month we will meet at the home of Sandra Elliott. Nancy Anderson will speak on growing a kitchen garden.


*  Civics Committees – Polly Edwards and Andrea Clement will chair the Coconut Grove Elementary School project and Mary Ann Gibbs and Alice Hector will chair the Coconut Grove Women’s Club project.  New members need to serve on one of these committees.  We are looking for future projects.  Andrea Clement has developed a set of guidelines that we will have at the next meeting.


Sean Reichert will have a schedule of school plantings by the end of September.


*Treasurer – Stephanie Schmidt – Stephanie reminded all of us to turn in receipts for Garden Club promptly and to also cash any checks she writes in a timely manner.  This will help her keep the budget up to date.  As of August 30, 2019, we have $11,548.20.


She presented this year’s budget which was voted on and approved.  The budget for this year is $10,500. 

*  Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Anderson – She reminded us all to reply to the person in the email that needs a response, not to her, she just sends out the information. Also, do not respond to all, unless it is requested.


*  Holiday Party – The party will be held at the Coconut Grove Women’s Club.  We will make the food ourselves this year and have a cooking day at Ana Rosa Phillips to try out recipes.


*  Inquisitive Gardeners – Lisa Remeny said there would be a meeting this coming Monday at the home of Michael Enns.  She will send an email to those on the list.


*  Hospitality – Polly Edwards sent around a sheet for members to sign up to host a Happy Hour for each month.  Isabel Andrews is hosting one September 26th.


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 am.


*Program -  Coconut Grove Women’s Club President, Virginia Yermoli spoke to us for a few minutes.  She introduced their member Sandy Riley who gave a talk on the history of the Women’s Club.


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary



MAY 9,  2019



* The meeting was called to order by President Carla Blanco at 10:00 am.

She thanked all of the Board members for their work during the past year.  Special compliments went to the Program Committee of Mary Ann Gibbs, Karen Rombough, Karen Kearns and Jeanne Wigg for the wonderful programs we had for our meetings.


* Approval of Minutes -  The minutes of the last meeting were approved.


*Treasurer’s Report – Stephanie Schmidt was absent.  Carla reported that we raised the donation for The Kampong from $500 to $750.  


*Membership – Thea Oberlander reported that we have a full membership with 27 associates, five life and six on the wait list.  Four of the new members who were present were introduced:  Alexis Magaro, Ana Gailey, Linda Chapin and Michael Enns.


*Special Presentations – Jeanne Wigg presented a gift to Carla Blanco for all of her work as President for the past year.  Carla Blanco presented a check from the club to Kampong Director Craig Morell for $750.


*Conservation Committee -  Mary Ann Gibbs announced that there will be another day of planting at The Coconut Grove Women’s Club next Thursday.  More plant donations are needed, especially plants with color.  


*Newsletter -  Margaret Hoeveler needs any information for the newsletter to be sent to her by the weekend.  One last newsletter will go out and then none until September.


*Inquisitive Gardeners -  Lisa Remeny announced that they will meet next Wednesday at Brian Malloy’s home.  


*Art Show -  Eleven members exhibited their work at The Kampong.  Some of the art is for sale.


*Video -  Andrea Clement presented a video of the garden club’s activities throughout the past year.  It was fabulous and very entertaining.  We gave Andrea a standing “O”.


*Hospitality -  Polly Edwards reminded everyone of the Happy Hour at the home of Karen Kearns on Friday, May 31 at 6:30pm.  It will also be a farewell party for Robert Yankowski.  Spouses are welcome.  Everyone is to bring food or wine. 


*Installation of Officers -  Gerry Smith and Karen Rombough installed the new officers.

President – Carla Blanco

V. President – Mary Ann Gibbs

2nd V. President – Thea Operlander

3rd V. President – Jean Anne Davis

Recording Secretary – Louise Petrine

Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Anderson

By Laws/Parliamentarian – Marie Pappas

Treasurer – Stephanie Schmidt


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.


A group picture was taken under the large tree outside the house.  A delicious lunch was served and enjoyed by all.  Kampong Board member, Michael Rosenberg spoke briefly to the group during lunch.


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary



APRIL 11, 2019,  The Montgomery Botanical Center


* Call to order – The meeting was called to order by President Carla Blanco at 10:05 am. She welcomed new members who were attending this meeting.  She reported that she has heard from some past speakers that our members were talking during the programs.  She asked that we show our speakers our respect and our full attention.


The first order of business was the election of officers for the coming year.  The committee was Jean Ann Davis, Karen Rombough and Gerry Smith.  The officers nominated are:  President – Carla Blanco,  1stVice President – Mary Ann Gibbs,  2nd Vice President – Thea Oberlander, 3rd Vice President – Jeanne Anne Davis, Recording Secretary -  Louise Petrine, Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Anderson, By Laws/Parliam.- Marie Pappas, Treasurer – Stephanie Schmidt.  There were no additional nominations from the floor.  Sean Reichert moved that the slate be accepted by acclamation.  The motion was seconded and passed.


* Conservation Committee – Mary Ann Gibbs reported that she, Alice Hector, and Emily Clemente are chairing the project of helping to beautify the Coconut Grove Women’s Club and working with people from that club.  Club member Kirsten Hines has developed a landscape plan for the site.  The project will be done in two phases with phase one being done on April 25th from 8-11 am.  A lignum vitea tree which was donated by Casey’s Corners will be planted as well as donations of orchids and bromeliads which will be put in the oak trees.  Club members are invited to participate.


She also stated that new members must serve on the Civics and Conservation Committees.  


Polly Edwards will help Andrea Clement with the Coconut Grove Elementary School project which will be done in the fall.  


Mary Ann Gibbs said that they are working on a Guidelines and Criteria for Projects outline to help in selecting future projects.


* Treasurer’s Report – Stephanie Schmidt reported a balance of $6,286.19 as of March 29, 2019.  Disbursements of $1,448.31 have been made in advance of the May luncheon. $1,840. was deposited from checks for the luncheon.   The following donations have been made or will be made as planned:  Montgomery Botanical Center - $250, The Kampong - $500, The Coconut Grove Women’s Club (for Beautification Project) - $500, and Slow Foods - $500.


*Membership – Thea Oberlander reported that we will have six new members:  Alicia Alverez-Gil, Ana Gailey, Linda Chapin, Alexis Magaro, Michael Enns and Beatrice Bolton.  Three members have resigned:  Kim Davison, Carla D’Andre  and Patricia Van Dalen.  Four active members are going associate.  We have two people on a wait list.  We now have 50 active members, 27 associate, 5 life and 1 honorary member.  Robert Yankowski is moving to Georgia to help family.  


*Hospitality – Polly Edwards announced that there would be a Happy Hour at Jeanne Wigg’s home today at 5:30pm.  She thanked members who brought refreshments today.


* Community Projects – Sean Reichert thanked the club for the $500 donation to Slow Foods.  He stated that the plantings at St. Stephens need refreshing and that we want to fulfill our commitment.  There was a short discussion regarding doing any project in perpetuity.  We agreed that all projects need an end date.


*Inquisitive Gardeners – The group will meet Monday at the hone of Pippa Milne.


*Photography – Yvette Shapiro said everyone should go on the website to see pictures.  Andrea Clement asked that anyone having pictures of club activities to please send them to her for use at the May luncheon slide show. 


*May Luncheon -  This will be held at The Kampong.  Anyone wishing to exhibit their art needs to deliver it on May 6 between 10 am and noon at The Kampong.


*Horticulture -  Sandra Elliot talked about chores that need to be done in our gardens at this time.  This included fertilizing, checking sprinklers, prune shrubs, spray for grasshoppers while they are small, check for snails and divide cattleyas.


*Member Highlight – Gerry Smith choose this month to honor all of the past presidents that are still members.  Those in attendance were Isabelle Andrews, Sean Reichert, Carla Blanco, Jeanne Wigg, Sandra Elliot, Suzie James, Gerry Smith, Marie Pappas, Ana Rosa Phillips and Jean Ann Davis.


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.  


Program -  Arva Moore Parks canceled yesterday as our speaker for today.  Patrick Griffin, Executive Director at The Montgomery Botanical Center graciously agreed to speak and gave an excellent talk on The Montgomery Botanical Center and plant expeditions.


Louise Petrine,  Recording Secretary




MARCH 14, 2019


*  Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 10:00am by President Carla Blanco at Casey’s Corners in Homestead.


* Minutes – The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


* Carla announced that checks for membership were being collected by Membership Chairman, Thea Oberlander.  Active status dues are $110 and Associate dues are $140.


She also said that we need someone to volunteer to chair the Civics Committee.  


* Treasurer’s Report – Jean Anne Davis reported a balance of $7,823.00 for January 31, 2019, and a balance of $7,734.00 for February 28, 2019.


* Nominating Committee -  Gerry Smith was Chairman of the Committee.  Jean Anne Davis reported that the proposed slate of officers for the coming year is:

President – Carla Blanco

Vice President – Mary Ann Gibbs

2nd V. President – Thea Oberlander

3rd V. President – Jean Anne Davis

Recording Secretary – Louise Petrine

Corresponding Secretary – Nancy Anderson

By Laws/Parlimentarian -  Marie Pappas

Treasurer – Stephanie Smith


* Membership – Thea Oberlander reported that there are three openings for new members; one active member has resigned and two active members requested associate status.  Dues are due April 1.

April 15 will be final date for dues.


*Conservation Committee – Andrea Comcast said we will be helping with a butterfly garden in front of the Coconut Grove Women’s Club.  They will offer our club the use of their facility for two meetings and our Christmas Party at no charge.   We are going to try and get Fairchild’s Million Orchid project involved to help make the garden at the Women’s Club more attractive for weddings and other events.   Andrea said she needs a co-chair to help with the Coconut Grove Elementary School project.


* Hospitality -  Polly Edwards thanked everyone that helped with refreshments for the meeting.  There will be another Happy Hour April 2.  Details will follow.


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned and Susan Casey gave a talk on using native plants to attract butterflies and birds to our gardens.


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary









Minutes of General Meeting, February 14, 2019,  Home of Karen Kearns


*The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by President Carla Blanco.  


*The minutes from the January meeting were approved.


*Carla Blanco, President.   Carla pointed out that it is costing a lot to rent chairs for our meetings, a large portion of the cost being the delivery.  We discussed asking each member to bring her own chair to the meetings.  She asked for a show of hands of those who did not want to do this.   The results showed that the majority were in favor of bringing their own chairs.  It was decided that we would do this on a trial basis for the March meeting.


Carla reminded members that the only meeting when we are allowed to bring a guest is the March meeting.  These guests can only be prospective members.  


Carla announced that the Board has agreed to create a Civics Committee to work in the community in Coconut Grove to actually garden.  One possibility is working on something with Vizcaya.  We need a Chairman.  Carla is serving in this capacity at the moment.


The Board approved a by-law change for 2019-2020 requiring new members to serve on the Civic Committee one of their first two years as a member.


*Programs -  Mary Ann Gibbs announced that our next meeting will be at Stirrup House and Arva Moore Parks will speak on the history of Coconut Grove.  She will send out further information on the meeting.


*Conservation Committee – Andrea Clement reported that they are working with the children at Coconut Grove Elementary on their garden project.  The children are taking measurements and drawing plans for the space.  She will let club members know when they can help.  The next Conservation meeting will be February 26th.


*Treasurer’s Report – Jean Ann Davis reported that the balance as of December 31, 2018, was $8,888.19 and as of January 31, 2019, it was $7822.78.  $500.00 has been approved to allocate to the Conservation Committee.   A donation of $100.00 has been sent to a scholarship fund in memory of Lolly Andersen’s son.


*Membership -  Thea Oberlander reported that she will have forms for membership at the next meeting.  April 1st is the deadline for dues with a final deadline of April 15th.  Betsy Steele said she thought we had changed the deadline to May 1st because we need to attend at least four meetings to remain active and some may not meet that criteria until then.  Thea will check on this and let us know at the next meeting.


Thea reminded us that anyone applying for Associate Membership must have been active for at least two years and served on committees.  You must speak with Thea before applying for Associate status.   


*Nominating Committee – Gerry Smith is the Chairman of this committee.  Two members were nominated to also be on the committee,  Karen Rombough and Jean Ann Davis.  A motion was passed adding them to the committee.


*By-Laws – Marie Pappas said that there will be a meeting next month.


*Hospitality -  Polly Edwards needs help bringing the dry goods, (napkins, plates, etc.,) to the meetings.  Alice Hector volunteered.  The next Happy Hour will be February 26th at the home of Nancy Anderson.


*Community Service -  Sean Reichert reported that Slow Foods had planted two gardens.  On March 14 Slow Foods will hold their fundraiser at the Palms Hotel on Miami Beach.


*Inquisitive Gardner -  Lisa Remeny announced that there will be a meeting on Monday, February 18th at the home of Kristen Hines.


*Horticulture -  Sandra Elliott reported that the member plant exchange was a great success and that everyone brought really nice plants.  She briefed us on Spring gardening tips.


*Member Highlight -  Gerry Smith highlighted member Carol Garvin.


*Newsletter -  The deadline for the next newsletter will be February 21st.


*Adjournment -  The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 am.


*Speaker -  Our speaker was Kristen Hines, writer,  photographer, conservationist and nature traveler.  She gave a wonderful talk on attracting birds to our gardens.


Recording Secretary

Louise Petrine



JANUARY 10, 2019


The meeting was called to order by President Carla Blanco at the home of Laura Robbins at 10:00 am.  Carla asked that when members have a questions pertaining to the club that they call the chairman of the area they have questions about, not her.


She also reported that Lolly Anderson’s son died in Boston recently.


* Conservation Committee -  Andrea Clement said that the committee is looking for small projects.  They have contacted the PTA at Coconut Grove Elementary School. They have a certificate from the Audubon Society to establish a native plant and butterfly garden.  We may help with that.  We will be working with the Women’s Club of Coconut Grove next fall.  Sean Reichert will be in contact regarding doing work at St. Stephens.


* Holiday Party -  Carla expressed a special thanks to Margaret Hoevelar for all of her work on the Holiday Party and to those who donated food and wine.  The flowers were beautiful and everyone enjoyed the venue.  Alice Hector announced that The Women’s Club of Coconut Grove would offer their building to the club for next year’s party.


* Treasurer’s Report - Stephanie Schmidt reported a cash balance of $7,588.71 as of November 30, 2018, and a balance of $8,666.19 at the end of December, 2018.


* May Luncheon - Sandra Elliot and Jeanne Wigg have offered to chair this event.


* Membership – Thea Oberlander reported that we have a full membership with four on a wait list.  She reminded active members that they must attend four meetings to retain their membership.


* Hospitality -  Polly Edwards reported that Pippa Milne will host the January Happy Hour.   Polly will send an e-mail with the date shortly.


*Community Service – Sean Reichert reported that there will be a school planting on January 25th at 9:00 am at Miami Shores Presbyterian School.


* Horticulture – Sandra Elliot announced that the Member Plant Exchange would be February 9th at her home at 11:30 am.


* Member Highlight – Carla said we would postpone this until the next meeting as we were short of time and our speaker was here.

* Other Business – Gale Patron asked that members who were Coconut Grove residents vote to pass the upcoming law regarding proposed changes of NCD (Neighborhood Conservation Districts) particularly regarding the definitions of the zoning code for Lot Coverage and FLR.  Since this is a political issue and members are on opposing sides, it was decided that members be urged to vote as they wished, but that the Garden Club shouldn’t discuss it further or make a recommendation.


*  The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 am.


*  Program – Our speaker was Joanna Lombard, architect and professor at the U. of Miami.  She gave a wonderful talk on Gardening and Health.


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary





NOVEMBER 1, 2018


* The meeting was called to order at 10:00am at the home of Carla Blanco.  Fourteen Board Members were present.


*  The minutes were approved after correcting the budget balance to $7,181.25.


* Holiday Party –  Margaret Hoeveler reported that we still do not have a venue.  It was decided to cancel it unless a venue was found by next week.  There was a discussion of having a Valentine’s Day party instead if we didn’t have a Holiday Party.  


*  Field Trips – Jeanne Wigg reported on the Everglades Trip which would include breakfast at the home of David Lawrence and then a bus trip to the Everglades for an air boat ride on November 30.   The price is $60. which goes to The Everglades Foundation.


*Programs -  Mary Ann Gibbs reported that Roger Hammer would speak on orchids in the Everglades at the November general meeting.


*Conservation Committee -  We discussed bringing back a Conservation Committee.  It could network with other groups around town.  Andrea Clement agreed to chair the committee.  Carla mentioned that new members needed to serve on at least one committee and we could encourage some of them to join this committee.


* Treasurer’s Report – Stephanie Schmidt reported that our cash balance is $9,927.50 and the available balance is $9,728.71


* Membership Report – Thea Oberlander reminded everyone to pick up their membership books and that she would hand out new labels for two members address additions at the next meeting.


* Hospitality -  Polly Edwards announced that there would be a Happy Hour at the home of Isabel Andrews on November 14th.   This is for members only, not spouses.


* Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am


Louise Petrine

Recording Secretary 

Minutes of General Meeting,  October 11, 2018,  Fairchild Tropical Garden


*  The meeting was called to order by President Carla Blanco at 9:50 am.  She thanked Mary Ann Gibbs for arranging for the location and speaker for the meeting.


*Stephanie Schmidt reported that there was an error in her report at the last meeting on the amount for the budget for the year.  The correct total is $8181.25, not $7181.25 as was reported last month.


*The minutes from the last meeting were approved.


*The Holiday Party.  This was discussed.  Carla again asked for someone to volunteer to host it and to chair it.  Margaret Hoeveler volunteered to be the chairman.  Again, we discussed possible venues.   The Coconut Grove Women’s Club was mentioned.  Dates were discussed and December 15 was chosen.


*  Corresponding Secretary Andrea Clement had no report.


*  Inquisitive Gardeners will meet Monday,  October 15, at Laura Robbins.  Call Lisa Remeny for more details.


*  Membership.  Thea Oberlander reported that membership is full and there is one person on the waiting list.


*  Community Service.  Sean Reichert  is going to get a group together to weed the project at St. Stephens.


* Newsletter.  Margaret Hoeveler reminded everyone to get items to her two days after the General Meeting to be put into the next newsletter.


* Program.  Dr. Noris Ledesma,  Curator of Tropical Fruit at FTBG gave a fascinating and very interesting talk on avocados.


* Adjournment.  Carla announced that the next meeting would be at the home of Jean Anne Davis.   Adjourned at 10:45.


Submitted by Louise Petrine,  Recording Secretary 



Coconut Grove Garden Club

Minutes of the Annual Meeting and Luncheon at 

The Kampong Gardens and Museum



Members assembled at 9:30am for continental breakfast and conversation.  There was a simple auction of gifts at the door.  The meeting was Called to Order at 10:15 by the outgoing President, Jean Anne Davis, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and recognition of summer birthdays.  


Club Contribution Director of the Kampong, Craig Morell gave a brief overview of the historic estate asking for membership by keen gardeners.  He was presented with a donation of $1000 to help with restoration of the gardens following hurricane Irma and to promote our ongoing relationship over the years.


President’s Remarks Jean Anne capsulated her year highlighting the creation and installation of the Labyrinth Garden at St. Stephen’s Church, plus activities including the Christmas Party, Wine Tasting, Plant Exchange Luncheon, and Inquisitive Gardeners get togethers.  She thanked the board and the entire club for support throughout the year.  The President was thanked by Sean Reichert for her year of service, receiving a gift from Jean Wigg on behalf of the group.


Recording Secretary -Gale Patron 

Approval of the minutes of the previous general meeting were proposed by Sean and unanimously passed.


Corresponding Secretary/ Inquisitive Gardeners – Andrea Clement

 Andrea reported Inquisitive Gardeners will meet next season subject to the availability of hostesses. Lisa Remeny consented to produce the communications for this group. Andrea also presented a wonderful 20-minute slide show retrospective of activities during the year and she encouraged members to take more photos.


Treasurer’s Report –Jackie Gautreaux

The treasurer reported over $10,000.00 in the bank (subject to luncheon expenses), and that the year ended $1800 under budget.


Membership –Martha Mensch

Martha reported after the induction today, there will be 49 active members, 23 associates and 5 life members.  Eight new members were then inducted into the club. Those present gave a brief description of their background. New Members received a centerpiece from each table as their induction gift.  Martha reported that average attendance to the general meetings is 42.   Linda Flores was honored as a Lifetime Member. 


Programs – Karen Kearns and Karen Rombaugh

It was decided there will be no speaker in September as the meeting will be dedicated to induction of new members.    A reminder that Sean Reichert will once again host the New Members coffee at his home on Thursday, September 6th.   Interesting programs featuring conservation and design are planned.


Community Projects -Sean Reichert

Sean highlighted Garden Club service to the St. Stephen’s project and to the Slow Food movement. 


Member Highlights – Gerry Smith

Gerry expressed joy in holding this position for the club, in which she gets to interview selected members in front of our group.  She stressed that sponsors are key to the successful induction of new members. 


Other Notes 

Margaret Hoeveler will be producing a newsletter soon.  Shirley Berckmans was thanked for continuing to produce the yearbook.   Lis Remeny presented the art show of members’ works (curated by Thea Oberlander) that is hanging throughout May at The Kampong.


Induction of the New Board of Directors

Following a photograph of the outgoing board, new board members were inducted by Jean Anne with humorous gift symbols of their role on the board.  Photos of new board were followed by in the induction of incoming President Carla Blanco, who gave brief remarks about her enthusiasm to lead the club during next season.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 for the club annual photo, lunch and socializing. 




Respectfully submitted,

Gale Patron



Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes



The meeting was Called to Order at 10:00 am by the President, Jean Anne Davis, at the home of Martha Larmier, who was thanked for her generosity and hospitality. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  Birthdays were recognized and guests were welcomed by the Chair. Four new members present gave a quick biography of themselves. Approval of the March board General Meeting minutes was proposed by Carla Blanco with unanimous approval from the floor.


Corresponding Secretary/ Inquisitive Gardeners – Andrea Clement

 Andrea reported Inquisitive Gardens is looking for hostesses. She also requested that all members send her photos for her slide show at the Kampong May Luncheon. 


Treasurer’s Report –Marie 1appas for  Jackie Gautreaux

Expense for the month of $1140. Included $140 for plants for St. Stephens Church, $500 Slow Food Miami, and $500 for the Everglades Trust.  The standing balance is $5669.64.  Recommendation for an additional donation to the Kampong will be tables at next meeting. 


Membership –Martha Mensch

Dues are pending from 18 active and 10 associate members. Final dues date is April 15th.  Membership has 5 vacancies, 9 on the waiting list, and 4 moving to Associate member status for next year.


Nominating Committee –Sandra Farwell, Chair

Sandra Farwell Elliott, Chair of the Nominating Committee, reported that all positions for the slate have now been filled including Carla Blanco as president.  Additional nominations were welcomed from the floor.  The slate passed unanimously.


Programs – Karen Kearns and Karen Rombaugh

Members were reminded to submit work for the art show at the Kampong Gardens right away.  Karen Rombaugh has some great ideas for programs next year. Sean Reichert will once again host the New Members coffee at his home on the first Thursday of September (Sept 6th).


Community Projects -Sean Reichert

The St. Phillips Garden Project is nearly complete with the installation of new Bougainville plants.  Some areas need more attention, but the garden is growing well and admired by many.  A project at the Women’s Club of Coconut Grove will be considered next season.


Member Highlights – Gerry Smith

Evette Shapiro was the member highlighted this month. Born and raised in Brooklyn, she has lived in the area for many years and enjoys the diverse and interesting members of the garden club.  She was interviewed by Gerry Smith.  It was also stated that Tiffany Prodger will be regretfully returning to the UK due to the change of her husband’s assignment. 



Kampong Luncheon – Sean Reichert

Sean confirmed again the date May 10th for the luncheon at the Kampong.  Everything is running smoothly.  Chairs will be scrubbed prior one week prior to the event.  The entrance fee of $40 is due by May 1st.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 for an informative and sobering presentation of  “The Coming Reality of Sea Level Rise” by Dr. Harold Wanless, Professor of Geology at U of M.


The meeting was adjourned at noon.


The next board meeting will be on May 3rd at 5pm at the home of Jean Anne Davis 



Respectfully submitted,

Gale Patron


Coconut Grove Garden Club

Board Meeting Minutes




The meeting was convened at 9:59 am by the President, Jean Anne Davis, at her home.  Board members supplied a delicious brunch repast. 


Approval of the previous minutes, Feb 8th, was proposed by Jackie Gautreaux, seconded by Sean Reichert. 


Corresponding Secretary/ Inquisitive Gardeners – Andrea Clement

 Discussion of Andrea’s concern that members are not receiving her emails concluded that she has done all she can technically to ensure delivery, and that members will need to monitor their spam folders.

Inquisitive Gardeners is looking for a hostess for the March meeting.


Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

There was no treasury activity during the previous month.  Margaret Hoeveler is submitting an invoice for purchase of Bougainville plants for St. Stephens for $140. 


Membership –Martha Mensch

Martha reported that four resignations have been received due to illness, pregnancy, moving.  There are 6 prospects on the waiting list.  A motion was made by Sean and seconded by Sandra Farwell to make Linda Flores, who joined the club in 2000, a Lifetime Member (no dues required).  Sean will inform her of this honor, which must be ratified by membership at the General Meeting, and Linda will be honored at the Kampong Lunch.


Motion to change Bylaw Article 1, section 2 Associate Members:  Associate Members - Limited to thirty-five (35).   An Associate Member must have been a Member in good standing for at least two (2) years before becoming an Associate Member and must notify the Membership Chair in writing of their desire for this change in status. Application for Associate Membership can be made by May 1st.  To apply for Associate status the active member must be in good standing, that is have attended four (4) general meetings by and have satisfied the host/hostess and committee requirements noted in Article 1, Item 1, paragraph 2. An Associate Member shall not be required to take an active part in the affairs of the Club, but shall enjoy all the privileges of the Club, except voting, and shall pay additional dues.


The Motion was made by Gale, seconded by Jackie, and unanimously approved. The modification will be published in the 2018-2019 By-Laws.  


The due date for dues for Active Members will be modified to May 1st (in arrears after May 15th) ) as the Kampong Annual Luncheon is now counted as a “meeting” toward Active Member status. The due date of dues for Associate Members will also be modified to May 1st. This change will be presented at the general meeting next week.



Martha discussed attendance discrepancies on the sign-in sheets.  Sandra explained some members forget to sign in and go back in following months to do so, but in future this will be more closely monitored using colored pens.


Nominating Committee -- Sandra Farwell Elliot

Sandra Farwell, Nominating Committee chair has filled all the positions for next year (2018-2019) except for the role of President.  The nominees are as follows

President - To be determined

1st VP - Mary Ann Gibbs. 

2nd VP - Thea Oberlander 

3rd VP - Jean Anne Davis

Recording Secretary  -   Louise Petrine

Corresponding Secretary -  Andrea Clement 

By Laws - Marie Pappas

Treasurer - Stephanie Schmidt

Hospitality - Polly Edwards

Newsletter - Margaret Hoeveler  


Per our Bylaws “The committee shall report their slate in writing at the March Board meeting. An election of officers shall be held at the April meeting. Nominations from the floor may be permitted at both March and April meetings.”



Horticulture – Sandra Farwell Elliot

The Plant Exchange Event will take place on Saturday, March 10th at 11am, with lunch preceding the exchange.  Each attendee should bring a plant and something for the lunch.  Please rsvp to Sandra.


Programs – Karen Kearns

The March General meeting will convene at the home of Sandra Farwell Elliot featuring a presentation on butterfly gardens.  Karen will check to see if the screen is needed.  A proposal to provide a plant gift, not to exceed $50, to speakers was unanimous.  Margaret Hoeveler offered to secure the gifts through a special plant source.


Karen Rombaugh described a fabulous, free “Trip to The Glades” offered by the Everglades Foundation that includes breakfast, shuttle service and lunch.  As it is limited to 20 visitors, the program will be saved for next year with the possibility of several excursions for which the club would charge a fee per person ($30?) to be donated to the foundation. 


Thanks to Carla Blanco for hosting the wine and cheese event which drew about 20 attendees to her gardens at Grove Harbor on Saturday, February 24th from 6pm – 8pm.  A lovely evening that was enjoyed by all.


Bylaws – Marie Pappas

President Jean Anne Davis reminded board members of the current By-Law regarding expenditures: “ No funds in excess of $75 (seventy-five dollars) shall be expended by any Officer or Chair unless approved by a quorum of the Executive Board.”


Community Project – Sean Reichert

Sean reported the plants for St. Stephens Church have been installed. Margaret noted that a sign will be added.  Also noted is the Slow Foods “Freshest Night Out” event on March 16th at The Palms Hotel.  Sean encourages members to book now for the best price.  Sean also extended an invitation to the Utopia HOSA annual, free family movie night in the little park at La Playa & Ventura on Friday March 9th, 6:30pm.  In addition, Sean brought awareness to a new Grove project called “The Shack” at 3536 Williams Ave, a non-profit meeting place with community garden by “Alicia” (owner of The Golden Coconut) maintained by The Mustard Seed.  Support from Slow Foods of $1500 was received. 


Kampong Luncheon – Sean Reichert

The lunch arrangements are in fine shape.  Chairs will be cleaned during the week prior to the event.


Member Highlights – Gerry Smith

There may be no “highlighted” member this month as the general meeting has a full agenda. 


Newsletter – Margaret Hoeveler 

Margaret was thanked for her wonderful newsletter.  She asks that we ALL continue to submit photos and text ideas for future issues.


Other Business

Margaret tabled a proposal from the Coconut Grove Women’s Club for a collaborative beautification project to renovate their gardens.  The extent of this worthwhile project is such that proposal will be forwarded to the next Garden Club board for their consideration.  


President Jean Anne suggested we consider an amendment to Bylaws clarifying the autonomy and requirements for obtaining board approval prior to entering into contracts or expending more than a certain amount of funds.


The next board meeting will be on April 5th, 2018 at Jean Anne’s home.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.



Respectfully submitted,

Gale Patron



Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes




The meeting was convened at 10:05 am by the President, Jean Anne Davis.


The pledge of allegiance was recited by all of the members.


Sean Reichert made the motion to approve the minutes from the general meeting held on January 11th, Jackie Gautreaux seconded the motion and they were approved by all.


Corresponding Secretary/ Inquisitive Gardeners – Andrea Clement

 Andrea brought her friend Miriam as a guest. The Inquisitive Gardeners will be held at Pippa Milne’s house on Monday February 12th.  Attendance will be limited to a maximum of 12 people. The first 12 people to respond to the email will be able to attend.


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

The expenses for the month of January totaled $160.00, which was for chair rentals for the January and February general meetings. The balance of the account is $6,809.64.


Membership –Martha Mensch

Two active members have resigned from the club, Roberta Schultz and Vilma Pesciallo.

Please fill out the membership forms and pay the dues of $90 for active and $120 for associate. The dues are payable by April 1st.


Sandra Farwell Elliott will chair the Nominating Committee. Jackie Gautreaux and Jeanne Wigg will serve as her co-chairs.


Member Highlights – Barbara Barnard for Gerry Smith

Shirley Berckmans was highlighted this month. Everyone enjoyed hearing about her fascinating life!


Programs – Karen Kearns

The general meeting on March 8th will be at the home of Martha Larmier. 

The speaker will be Barbara McAdam on the topic of Butterfly Gardening.


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla asked that everyone review their personal information and respond to her with any updates.


Social Activities – Betsy Steele

The first happy hour at Julie Kelley’s home was on Wednesday January 31st.

Betsy Steele volunteered to host the next happy hour at her home in March.


Our annual Wine Tasting event will be held on Saturday February 24th 6:00 – 9:30 pm at Carla Blanco’s condo pool patio. Everyone should bring an appetizer and a bottle of wine around $20 in a paper bag to conceal the label.  Carpooling and Uber is encouraged as the parking is limited. 

Polly Edwards will coordinate the RSVPs and Martha Larmier will co-chair.


Horticulture – Sandra Farwell Elliott

The plant exchange will be Saturday March 10th 11:00 am at Sandra’s home. Everyone should bring a dish for pot luck lunch and their plant to exchange. Lunch will be served before the plant exchange.


Now is the time to fertilize your plants. Sandra recommends Nutricoat. It is also time to weed your garden and spray your orchids with Othene.


Community Project – Sean Reichert

There will be a Slow Food event, Freshest Night Out, on March 16th 7:00 pm at the Palms Hotel and Spa. Tickets can be purchased on Event Bright.


Sean and Margaret are trying to acquire some bougainvillea to plant on the side of the St. Stephens garden. The goal is to have it planted prior to the Arts Festival which starts on Feb 17th.


The Villagers Garden Tour is March 3rd in the Redlands.


Lisa Remeny will be selling her scarves at the Biltmore on Sunday Feb 11th from 10-4.


The meeting was adjourned at 10.55 am.


Donna Torres gave a wonderful presentation on the history botonical illustrations.



Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Gautreaux (for Gale Patron)



Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes

Held at the Home of Martha Mensch 




The meeting was convened at 10:02 am by the President, Jean Anne Davis.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and two guests of members were greeted.  Martha Mensch was thanked for her gracious hospitality in hosting today’s meeting in her lovely home.


The minutes from the general meeting held on November 9th were approved by Jean Wigg and seconded by Sean Reichert. 


Corresponding Secretary/ Inquisitive Gardeners – Andrea Clement

Fifteen people have rsvped for the next meeting on 1/22 at Andrea’s home. Due to the popularity of the group Polly Edwards suggested organizing  lunch and  happy hour activities.  


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

The report was delivered by Heather Wulkan as Jackie was not present. Since we did not have a board meeting in December, the report is for November and December activity. The beginning balance was $7,109.52 and the ending balance is $6,969.64.     Reported income of $3,940, which includes $90 for a new member and $3,850 for Holiday party fees. Reported expenses of $4,079.88, which included donations to Fairchild, SFNPT and the Nature Conservancy, and the Holiday Party. The Holiday party was $205.05 under budget.


Jackie will talk with the Grove Bank to see if we can acquire a debit card to facilitate online payments.


Holiday Party – Heather Wulkan

The holiday party was a big success! Heather thanked everyone in the club that prepared food, Suzi James’s husband for donating some wine, Robert for flowers, with a huge thanks to Francoise Ibars for hosting the event.  The club applauded Heather for creating a great evening.


Membership – Jean Anne Davis for Martha Mensch

Sandra Farwell Elliott will chair the Nominating Committee. 


Since the September meeting was cancelled due to hurricane Irma, a motion was made to allow members to count the September meeting as one of their four required meetings to maintain their active status. The motion was granted.


Programs – Karen Kearns

Today’s meeting is at the home of Martha Mensch. The presenter is Steven Brooke, an adjunct professor at the University of Miami School of Architecture and author of many art books on the subject.  Karen is hoping to organize a boat foray into the Everglades for the March meeting.  His newest book is “Gardens of Miami”.



Hospitality – Polly Edwards

Polly reports everything is running smoothly.  She thanked all those who responded for this event.


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla was unable to attend the meeting


Historian – Jeanne Wigg

Jeanne did not have any new updates.


Bylaws – Marie Pappas

Marie did not have any new updates.


Community Project – Sean Reichert

Sean reported the St. Stephens legacy project garden needs maintenance.  Margaret is meeting with Rev. Willie next week.  Margaret asked for photos for her next newsletter, and she needs copy submitted by the Friday following each General Meeting.   Support for Slow Foods Happy Hour events on 1st Tuesday of each month was encouraged.  


Kampong Luncheon – Sean Reichert

Sean has secured the date of May 10th for the luncheon at the Kampong.  Please contact Sean if you are willing to help with the luncheon.


Other Business

The plant exchange will take place in March at Sandra Elliot’s home, date TBD.

The club will send Karen Rombough flowers on the loss of her father. 

Villagers Tour on March 3rd of properties in the Redland area was highly recommended.


The speaker was introduced at 10:45 and the meeting was adjourned at 11.50 am.



Respectfully submitted,

Gale Patron


 MINUTES November 9, 2017

Kampong, 4013 Douglas Road, Coconut Grove.

Carla Blanco called the meeting to order at 10:00.

Pledge.  November birthdays.

Gerry Smith member highlight Mary-Ann Gibbs.

Jackie Gautreaux Treasurer’s Report available balance $9500 – pending disbursements: $2,400 refund members, yearbook, party caterer deposit.

Martha Mensch Membership, cap reached in October.

Karen Kearns.  Potential field trips, with sign up sheets. Everglades air boat trip, Key Largo garden tour outings, car pool transport

Hospitality thanks to Cathy Hassine, and today’s hostesses.

Website Photo updates Carla

Plant exchange Sandra Elliott.  Start plantings now for spring exchange.

Inquisitive Gardner – call Paulette Johnson.  Meeting is held the Monday after club Thursday meeting at individuals’ houses.  Lisa Remeny’s house this time.

Heather Wulkan. Holiday party 7:00.  Catered main course.  Robin Yankowski, of MegaFlowers in the Grove will provide creativity and instruction at 6:30 on the 7th, to arrange the flowers for the party.  Customary to bring, snacks, cheese.  Live music, group not yet finalized.Those bringing food for the party drop it off at 4:30 at Francoise Ibars, 3907 Utopia Court, Coconut Grove.

Adjourned 10:40.

Sherry Turner then mentioned native plant donations for Deering Estate.

Program:  Craig Morell of the Kampong discussed damage from Irma. 


Minutes of the General Meeting of the Coconut Grove Garden Club

October 12, 2017


New President Jean Anne Davis convened the first meeting at 10:03 with the call to order and the Pledge of Allegiance. Cancellation of the September meeting due to Hurricane Irma was noted. Betsy Steel was thanked for hosting the gathering at her lovely home. September/October birthdays were acknowledged.


Message from the President:  Jean Anne thanked the club for the honor to serve as president, calling for each member to sign up for at least one committee as mandated by the By-Laws.   Her theme for this year is centered on “involvement” extending to committees, mentoring new members and reaching out to others to help accomplish our goals, have fun and earn the rewards friendly collaboration.


The minutes of the Annual Meeting, 5/11/2017 were ratified unanimously.


Treasurer’s Report --  Heather Wulkan for Jackie Gautreaux (travelling)

Reported in the bank: $9500.  Club was under budget last year by $1800; budget for this year set at $8100, with an allowance of $1000 for hurricane relief to be designated at the next meeting.  


Corresponding Secretary -- Andrea Clement

Andrea noted that if you are not receiving the email blasts for events, please check your spam folder.  Settings sometimes change as a result of power failure or surges. 


Membership – Martha Mensch

Membership is now capped with the addition of new member Norma May Isakow.  New members in attendance and two guests were welcomed to the meeting.


Programs -  Karen Kearns

The September Program on rising waters in S. Florida is rescheduled for April 2018.  Speaker for the November meeting will be Craig Morell, Kampong Gardens.


TODAY’S PROGRAM -  Carl Lewis, Director of Fairchild Gardens presented an in depth look at the significant damage incurred by Hurricane Irma.  Eighty trees were lost, seemingly to tornados; fish in the fresh water ponds died through the storm surge but the butterfly farm is fine.  Rebuilding efforts are estimated @$500,000.   Dr. Lewis presented slides on vertical gardening, many from Singapore where population density forces a vertical approach.  He finally stressed the importance of botany as the keystone to the future of our civilization and planet.




Events Mentor --   Betsy Steel

The party was announced for December 8th at the home of Francoise and George Ibars. Betsy Steel will mentor the chairperson.  Cost is $50pp; Heather Wulkan is collecting 

checks for the event.  AND then Heather Wulkan agreed to chair the event!  Following an appeal from the President, Sean Reichart offered to chair the annual luncheon at the 

Kampong Gardens, May 2018 as well.  Some great events in store!


By-Laws –  Marie Pappas &

Yearbook – Shirley Berckmans

Marie Pappas announced, after lengthy review over the summer, updates and changes in the By-Laws are in the Loose-Leaf Notebook Yearbook Inserts available today when leaving.   It is important for members to review changes, especially the commitment of sponsors to mentor new members.


Hospitality – Polly Edwards

Polly appealed again for members to rsvp for all events, and for every member to read the Yearbook Notebook Inserts for their assignment for hospitality provisions.


Community Projects – Sean Reichart & Margaret Hoeveler

Sean reviewed Slow Food Projects including teach workshops, installation of 22 new school

Gardens and replanting 14 beds. Contact Sean if you can help in planting the school gardens. 

Margaret said the new labyrinth garden will be consecrated on Oct 21 at 5pm at St. Stephens and she will report on the final touches needed by our club such as the orchid area. Margaret is also working on a newsletter and appealed to all to shoot and send photos of all our activities.


Inquisitive Gardens – Andrea Clement, Liaison

This very active group meets each Monday after the General Meeting at a home with lunch. Everyone is invited to attend to discuss the challenges of their own gardens. Lisa Remeny offered to host the November meeting at her home on Poinciana Ave.


There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:10am for additional socializing. 


Respectfully submitted. 

Gale Patron*



*Cynthia Christoph will minute the November General Meeting for Gale who will be travelling. 




Coconut Grove Garden Club

Annual Kampong Luncheon

General Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2017


Following coffee and light refreshments, the meeting was convened at 10:20am by out-going president Ana Rosa Phillips.

The first order of the day was a donation of $500, presented by Ana Rosa, to Craig Morell, Director of The Kampong Gardens.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.  

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted.


Treasurers Report: There was no report as the treasurer was absent. 


Membership Report: Jean Anne Davis reported membership for the year started at 49 people.  It is presently 50 active members, 22 associate members, 4 life and 1 honorary member.  An article for new members and their sponsors has been posted on the website entitled “Guide for New Members” to serve as a resource for the responsibilities of both. 

The following seven new members were inducted into the club and if present, were introduced.

Jocelyn Tennille, Philippa Milne, Vilma Pesciallo, Julie Kelley, Roberta Schultz, Emily Hector Clemente, Kate Tome.


Programs: Karen Kearns, Karen Rambough, Jean Wigg, Kathy Hassine were especially thanked by Ana Rosa for very interesting programs during the year.  


Special Art Project at the Kampong

President Ana Rosa thanked Jean Wigg and Karen Kearns for spearheading the art exhibition inaugurated today.  The delightful art pieces represented the work of Lisa Remeny, Suzi James, Margaret Hoeveler, Martha Larmier, Andrea Clement, Carol Garvin, Patricia Van Dalen and Yevette Shapiro.  Members commented on the extraordinary talent of artist members of the club.  Many pieces were sold, with a small percentage going the Kampong. 


Hospitality: Polly Edwards thanked the hostesses for the day, Carla Blanco for special treats and to all for service throughout the year.


Corresponding Secretary:    Lisa Remeny was especially thanked by the president for her years of service and extraordinary artwork that has given the club such a professional presence.  She is replaced by Andrea Clement. 


Community Projects:    Sean Reichart and Margaret Hoeveler were thanked for piloting the St. Stephen’s Church labyrinth garden project, which will be completed by end of summer.  Sean also gratefully received a $1000 contribution to Slow Foods Miami.

Continuing Thanks were extended to Sandra Farwell for her Horticulture Program, to Gerry Smith for her Member’s Profile at meetings, and to the Nominating Committee of Alba Biondi and Brian Molloy.


Today’s Program: Andrea Clement presented a delightful retrospective slide show of the year set to the Beatles tune:  A Little Help From My Friends.


Barbara Barnard presented a short bio on David Fairchild to introduce the theme for the luncheon.  The table centerpieces chosen by Isabel Andrews represented 4 original species introduced by Fairchild to sub-tropical Miami and the USA.  



In-coming President: Jean Anne Davis


Jean Anne expressed her thanks and appreciation as in-coming president along with her excitement to serve the club 2017-2018.   She announced the members of the new board and photos were taken.




Jean Anne Davis

1st VP

Ana Rosa Phillips

2nd VP 

Martha Mensch

3rd VP 

Ana Rosa Phillips

Corresponding Secretary

Andrea Clement

Recording Secretary

Gale Patron


Jackie Gautreaux


Polly Edwards

Bylaws/ Parliamentarian

Marie Pappas

Long Range Planning

Gerry Smith

Community Projects

Sean Reichert

Community Gardening

Margaret Hoeveler



Sandra Farwell

Karen Kearns, Karen Rombaugh, Jeanne Wigg

Financial Secretary - tbd



Other Notes: Carla Blanco will continue cooking classes through the summer.  Inquisitive gardeners meet each Monday following board meetings. 


The meeting ended at 12:20 and was adjourned for the annual “class photo” and the annual luncheon. 






Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2017


Incoming president Jean Anne Davis convened the meeting at 10am, presiding in the absence of Ana Rosa Phillips who was unable to attend.  Minutes from the General Meeting held March 9th in the Vizcaya Garage were approved by the board at the meeting on April 9th.


Maureen Pelham was thanked for hosting the meeting at her lovely home.


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

The treasury stands at $4,659.48 excluding un-deposited checks for the annual luncheon at the Kampong and renewal dues.  There were no new expenses to report.


Membership Report– Jean Ann Davis

Prospective new member Roberta Schultz was presented to the club by sponsor Gale Patron. There are 47 current members (5 new paid), plus 2 prospective members, and one member pending payment of dues in arrears.

Alba Biondi presented the full slate for all board positions for next year.  The slate was proposed and passed unanimously for 2017-18.

Carla Blanco and Shirley Berckmans requested changes in membership information be sent to them for recording on the website and in the yearbook.


Programs – Karen Kearns, Karen Rombough, Jean Wigg

Karen Kearns reported that the same committee would organize the programs for next year.  The team invites interested members to join the group and/or make suggestions for interesting programs.

Karen reminded all artists of the April 20th deadline for art to be sold at the Kampong Gardens and annual lunch.


Bylaws – Marie Pappas

There were no further changes to the Bylaws.  


Hospitality – Polly Edwards

Polly expressed her appreciation to all those who provided food for today’s meeting.  


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla will update the membership form available on the website, and her idea to add a tab for selling and giving away items by members was endorsed. 


Horticulture/Plant Exchange – Sandra Farwell

The plant exchange was attended by 18 members.  Sandra asked members to start propagating exotic and unusual plants now for the exchange next year.  The Inquisitive Gardeners will be hosted by Isabel Andrews in May.


Member Highlight – Gerry Smith

The member highlighted at the meeting was Carla Blanco, fifth generation Peruvian.   Carla gave a fascinating review of her international life, moving around the world as the corporate wife of Alfredo, and who has managed to give extraordinary service to every community she has lived in.  Just as she continues to do for the garden club – her newest contribution is a series of cooking classes for interested members.



Community Project – Sean Reichert

The Labyrinth Garden St. Stephen’s Church is in progress.  Planting will hopefully begin before the end of the month. Planting at the McGlannon School, Coconut Grove Elementary, and the Drew School in Overtown were completed.  With the help of Slow Food, plantings at the Barnacle will be renewed, subject to irrigation issues. 

There will be an Earth Day Celebration at the Barnacle on April 30th  from 11 – 4pm open to the public.


Kampong Annual Luncheon – 

Isabel Andrews reported the budget of $3600 is holding.  Catering for 60 guests will cost $3500. The theme is a surprise!


Other Business – 

The Spring Wine Tasting by the pool at Carla’s building was held on Saturday 4/8 with thanks to Polly Edwards and Cathy Hassine, organizers and co-hostesses for a lovely evening activity.

Lisa Remeny, outgoing Corresponding Secretary was thanked for her 3 years of producing fabulous graphics and flyers.  In turn, Lisa expressed how much she has enjoyed serving the club.  She will be replaced by Andrea Clement.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:50am.


The program featuring Roger Stone, expert in Rose Gardens, then commenced. 


Respectfully submitted,

 Gale Patron

Aprill 17, 2017 







Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes



The President, Ana Rosa Phillips, convened the meeting at 10:05 am., 2017.  March birthdays were recognized.  The membership approved the minutes from the General Meeting held on February 9th.


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

February expenses included $60 for half ownership of projection screen to be stored in the garage of Gale Patron. Grove Watch Group is other half owner.  Two commemorative  bricks were purchased from St. Stephens Episcopal Church for their  Labyrinth Garden.  The treasury stands at $6500.35


Membership Report– Jean Ann Davis

Jean Ann Davis thanked the club for her nomination as president  2017-2018.  Alba Biondi presented the slate for the other positions for next year. 


Programs – Karen Kearns

The program for April will feature an expert on rose gardens and will take place at the home of Maureen and Bill Pelham.


Bylaws – Marie Pappas

There were no further changes to the Bylaws.  


Hospitality – Polly Edwards

Polly expressed her appreciation to all those who provided food for today’s meeting in the Vizcaya Garage.


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla will update the membership form available on the website, and Lisa will send a reminder email about renewal with an embedded link to the website.  


Member Highlight – Gerry Smith

Today’s  Member Highlight has been deferred until the April program.


Community Project – Sean Reichert

Slow Foods dinner, Miami’s Freshest Night Out on 3/24 will be at Nobu,  Eden Roc.  Tickets are $75, $85.  Planting at the McGlannan school occurred with member Sheri Turner assisting.


Other Business – 

Spring Wine Tasting by the pool at Carla’s building will be Saturday 4/8 from 6:00-9:00 pm.  Polly Edwards and Cathy Hassine will be co-hostesses.

Plant exchange 3/25 from 11:30am-2:00pm will be at t Sandra Farwell’s home. 


The meeting was adjourned at 10:45am.


Today’s program of garden tours of Vizcaya then commenced.


Respectfully submitted, Gale Patron




Coconut Grove Garden Club 

General Meeting Minutes 

January 12, 2017


The meeting began at 10:10 at the home of Betsy Steel by the authority of the President, Ana Rosa Phillips.


The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The minutes of the previous meeting on December 3rd were approved.


The President gave special thanks to all those who contributed time and effort to the success of the Christmas Party.  Special recognition was given to Betsy Steel and Carla Blanco, Co-chairs and to Beryl Hamilton and her husband Rex for hosting the evening in her Coral Gables home. The secretary will send a thank you note to the Hamilton family. 


Ana Rosa honored all members with a birthday in January. 


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

The total costs of the Christmas party were approximately $5000, which is $1000 less than the budget.  The excess funds will be donated to the current community project.  The financial success was attributed in part to raising the ticket price $15pp.


Membership – Jean Davis 

The resignation of one new member was accepted.  It was stressed that sponsors must take responsibility for integrating their new members into the club, including our procedures and responsibilities. 

Jean explained the voting process for the new board (17-18).  Nominations are sought in February.  A slate is presented to membership in March.  Voting takes place in April.  Alba Biondi has agreed to serve as chair to the nominating committee. 

Membership fees are due in April.  Those who have difficulty in attending the requisite number of meetings may consider Associate Membership which has no requirement for attendance. 


Programs – Karen Kearns 

Today’s program was discussed at the board meeting on 1/10/17.

Karen announced the art exhibition at the general meeting featuring CGGC artists at the Kampong during the month of May.  Selection will be based on a first-come basis, subject to space available.  Prices will be posted; 20% will go to the Kampong.


Correspondence Secretary –Lisa Remeny 

There was no report as Lisa is traveling during the board and general meetings.  


By-Laws – Marie Papas

Marie presented changes to the By-Laws that were researched and submitted by Jean Anne Davis and approved by the board.  The 2nd Vice President will serve as membership chair going forward.  Officers may not serve more than 2 years consecutively. 


Hospitality – Polly Edwards

Polly will continue as Hospitality Chairperson for the general meetings. 


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla will institute an  “In Memoriam” column to the website. 


Community Project – Sean Reichart

Condolences were extended to Sean on the death of his father.  It was reported that 2 large vegetable gardens were installed at a public school in Liberty City by Sean and his gardening group.  Permits have been approved for the legacy project at St. Stephen’s Church, which will probably begin in February.



Member Highlight – Gerry Smith

Due to lack of time, this segment was postponed until the next meeting. 


Horticulture – Sandra Farwell

The Plant Exchange will be on Saturday, March 25th at Sandra’s home.  Sandra presented a list of perennials friendly to our environment that will be posted on the website. 


The business portion of the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am, after which, Steve Davis of the Everglades Conservancy was introduced by Karen Kearns for his program on the status of the Everglades.  


The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 am.


Respectfully submitted, 

Gale Patron



Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes



The meeting was convened at 10:10 am by the President, Ana Rosa Phillips.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The minutes from October 13th meeting were approved.


Ana Rosa thanked Beryl and Rex Hamilton for hosting the meeting at their home.


Ana Rosa honored all members with birthdays in November and December.


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

We had no income or expenses for the month of October. The checking account balance is $8,459. 


Membership – Jean Davis

There were no changes to the membership to report.


Bylaws – Marie Pappas

The changes to the bylaws will be discussed/proposed at the January meeting.


Corresponding Secretary – Lisa Remeny

Lisa asked if everyone is receiving her emails and it was confirmed.


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla asked everyone to please look at the website and read the meeting minutes each month.


Inquisitive Gardeners – Lorelei Wagner

The next meeting is at Jeanne Wigg’s house on Monday 11/14. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend.


Community Project – Sean Reichert

St. Stephens Episcopal Church is still in the process of obtaining a permit. The plan is to start planting after the holidays and complete the plantings before the Coconut Grove Arts Festival the weekend of February 18-20, 2017.

Sean reported that Slow Foods will have a planting on Nov 16th and 17th from 9:00 – 2:30 at the South Point Elementary school on South Beach.


Member Highlight – Gerry Smith

Gerry did a lovely presentation about Heather Wulkan.


Horticulture – Sandra Farwell Elliott

Sandra did a presentation on flowering plants. The presentation will be posted on the website.

The plant exchange will be in March, so please start your transplants now.






Holiday Party – Betsy Steele and Carla Blanc

The holiday decorations workshop will be on Wednesday, Dec 7th, from 6:00-8:00 pm at Mega Flowers.  Please RSVP if you will be attending.

Please let Betsy know if you will not be attending the holiday party.


Deering Estate Holiday Decorations– Martha Larmier

Martha will let us know when the garden club will be decorating at the Deering Estate.



Ana Rosa announced that Patricia Van Dalen is featured in the December Architectural Digest. 


Louise Petrine announced that the Villager’s Holiday House tour will be on Saturday Dec 3rd. 

You can purchase tickets online.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am.


Karen Kearns introduced our guest speaker Raymond Jungles who is a landscape architect based in Coconut Grove.  He gave an hour presentation on some of his current and past projects in Florida. 



Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Gautreaux (for Gale Patron)


Coconut Grove Garden Club

General Meeting Minutes



The meeting was convened at 10:10 am by the President, Ana Rosa Phillips.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.


The minutes from October 13th meeting were approved.


Ana Rosa thanked Beryl and Rex Hamilton for hosting the meeting at their home.


Ana Rosa honored all members with birthdays in November and December.


Treasurer Report – Jackie Gautreaux

We had no income or expenses for the month of October. The checking account balance is $8,459. 


Membership – Jean Davis

There were no changes to the membership to report.


Bylaws – Marie Pappas

The changes to the bylaws will be discussed/proposed at the January meeting.


Corresponding Secretary – Lisa Remeny

Lisa asked if everyone is receiving her emails and it was confirmed.


Website – Carla Blanco

Carla asked everyone to please look at the website and read the meeting minutes each month.


Inquisitive Gardeners – Lorelei Wagner

The next meeting is at Jeanne Wigg’s house on Monday 11/14. Please RSVP if you are planning to attend.


Community Project – Sean Reichert

St. Stephens Episcopal Church is still in the process of obtaining a permit. The plan is to start planting after the holidays and complete the plantings before the Coconut Grove Arts Festival the weekend of February 18-20, 2017.

Sean reported that Slow Foods will have a planting on Nov 16th and 17th from 9:00 – 2:30 at the South Point Elementary school on South Beach.


Member Highlight – Gerry Smith

Gerry did a lovely presentation about Heather Wulkan.


Horticulture – Sandra Farwell Elliott

Sandra did a presentation on flowering plants. The presentation will be posted on the website.

The plant exchange will be in March, so please start your transplants now.






Holiday Party – Betsy Steele and Carla Blanc

The holiday decorations workshop will be on Wednesday, Dec 7th, from 6:00-8:00 pm at Mega Flowers.  Please RSVP if you will be attending.

Please let Betsy know if you will not be attending the holiday party.


Deering Estate Holiday Decorations– Martha Larmier

Martha will let us know when the garden club will be decorating at the Deering Estate.



Ana Rosa announced that Patricia Van Dalen is featured in the December Architectural Digest. 


Louise Petrine announced that the Villager’s Holiday House tour will be on Saturday Dec 3rd. 

You can purchase tickets online.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 am.


Karen Kearns introduced our guest speaker Raymond Jungles who is a landscape architect based in Coconut Grove.  He gave an hour presentation on some of his current and past projects in Florida. 



Respectfully submitted,

Jackie Gautreaux (for Gale Patron)

Coconut Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

October 13, 2016

Walton House - Homestead



The meeting was convened by Ana Rosa Phillips, President.

Pledge of Allegiance.  


Ana Rosa thanked Mrs. Blanco, the owner of Walton House for her hospitality.


Ana Rosa mentioned how fortunate we were to have been spared by Matthew.


Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


Thank you to Karen Rombough and Karen Kearns for organizing the outing and to Polly and her hospitality team for the great food.


President Ana Rosa acknowledged October birthdays.  


Committee reports -

Treasurer - no report

By-laws - Marie Pappas announced that some revisions will be made to our by-laws including the possible creation of a provisional membership.  The changes will be presented to the membership at a later meeting for approval.

 Inquisitive Gardener - Ana Rosa mentioned that she had attended their last meeting and was impressed by all the wonderful ideas they share, and also the fun they have while doing that.

65th Anniversary Project - Sean talked about the project idea of doing a meditation garden at St. Stephen’s church in Coconut Grove.  More information will be presented at the November meeting

 Horticulture - Sandra Farwell made a wonderful presentation on flowering trees for our area.  That information will be posted on the website.

Holiday party - will be at Beryl Hamilton’s and a check for $50 per person should be sent to Jackie Gautreaux to reserve your space.

Website - Carla Blanco announced a new page on our website called In Memoriam to honor those family members of our members who have passed away.


Respectfully submitted,


Carla Blanco

for Gale Patron

Coconut Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

September 8, 2016

Home of Kimberly Davidson

The meeting was convened by Ana Rosa Phillips, President.

Pledge of Allegiance.  Reflection on 9/11 anniversary was noted. 


Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.


President Ana Rosa acknowledged September birthdays.  


Treasurer’s Report -  Jackie Gautreaux reported we ended last season under budget.  Funding of $1,000 has been set aside for our 65th Anniversary Project TBD.  The South Florida Parks Trust will receive a donation of $750.


65th Anniversary Project -   Siuggestions were contributed including landscaping for a public, meditative maze garden at  St. Stephen’s Church, a student mural under the direction of Lisa Remeny and Martha Larmier, and landscaping for the Coconut Grove Elementary School on Grand Ave.   Members are invited to submit ideas to Sean Reichart and the committee by email for research.  


OUR SPEAKER Karen Kearns introduced speaker Dr. Carl Lewis, Director of Fairchild Gardens for the last 8 years.  His dynamic program and slide presentation focused on the evolution of botany throughout civilization.  We were fascinated by the BioTech Magnet High School created by Fairchild Gardens as a legacy project to create botanists worldwide.  “Growing Beyond Earth”, in which 124 south Florida high schools are building labs to simulate conditions of propagation in outer space have received a $1.25 million grant from NASA, receiving national attention as innovative and relevant.  The “Million Dollar Orchid Project”, implementing refurbished old school buses as labs to propagate orchids in sterile spaces, is also revolutionary.  Members were interested in volunteer opportunities for these projects. 


Many thanks to hostess Kim Davidson for a wonderful meeting. 

Coconut  Grove

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

May 12, 2016

The Kampong


The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

A retrospective picture show compiled by Carla was presented.

Marie Pappas expressed her thanks to the outgoing board and all whose participation led to such a productive and enjoyable year.

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

Income was $8,100. Expenses $1500. Balance $9,900.  We are projected to end the year within the budget with~$8,900.


New Members were welcomed:

Maryann Gibbs sponsored by Barbara Barnard

Andrea Clement sponsored by Gale Patron

Andres Vicentini sponsored by Patricia Van Dalen

Sherri Turner sponsored by Barbara Barnard

Alix de Seife reinstated


The out-going Board was recognized. The incoming Board was installed:

Executive Board - 

President - Ana Rosa Phillips

1st Vice President (Programs) - Karen Kearns

2nd Vice President (Hospitality) - Polly Edwards

3rd Vice President - Marie Pappas

By-laws - Marie Pappas

Recording Secretary - Gale Patron

Corresponding Secretary - Lisa Remeny 

Treasurer - Jackie Gautreaux


Standing Committee Chairs: 


Budget: Jackie Gautreaux

Community Projects: Sean Reichert's,Co-Chairs: Gerry Smith, Lisa Remeny

Historian: Jean Wigg

Membership: Jean Davis 

Horticulture: Sandra Farwell Elliot

Website: Carla Blanco 

Photography: Carol Garvin, Yevette Shapiro, Brian Molloy

Publicity: Margaret Hoeveler



Assistants to:

Programs - Karen Rombough

By-laws - Carla Blanco

Treasurer - Maria Antonia Londono


Special Events

Holiday Party: Chair TBD, Co Chair Alix de Seife

Holiday Decorations: Martha Larmier

Kampong Luncheon: Isabelle Andrews

Plant Exchange: Sandra Farwell Elliot

Yearbook: Shirley Berckmans


Ana Rosa gave opening remarks. She congratulated and thanked Marie for her excellent year as president. She noted that the club will be having its 65th anniversary in the upcoming year, that we are more relevant than ever as an organization.  All members were encouraged to get involved and actively participate. It was noted that opportunities exist to coordinate the Holiday Party which will be December 9th at Beryl Hamilton’s home, and next year’s Kampong luncheon.


The Club’s gift was presented to Dr. Mike Maunder, Interim Director of the Kampong.

Marie Pappas was presented with a lovely necklace, created by our own Martha Larmier. The meeting was adjourned. 


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne DavisCoconut  Grove Garden Club Minutes




Coconut  Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

April 10, 2016

Home of Jean Anne Davis


The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.



Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

There were no expenses and no revenue. Balance is $3,200.00

Membership Report- Carla Blanco

There are 2 open slots for membership and 2 prospective members.

Election of Officers- The slate of officers was elected as follows:

President: Ana Rosa Phillips

1st Vice President: Karen Kearns

2nd Vice President:  Polly Edwards

Recording Secretary: Gale Patron

Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Remeny

By-laws: Marie Pappas


Plant Exchange – was held April 9th at the home of Sandra Farwell Elliott


Wine and Cheese - 

Will be at Karen Kearns’ home 6:30 PM April 23rd.  Appetizers to be coordinated. Bring a bottle of wine priced around $20. RSVP to Sandra.


Earth Day – will be celebrated Sunday at the Barnacle


Speaker:  Dr. Carl Lewis  of Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens gave a captivating talk on Garden Islands of the Great East



Membership Meetings:

5/12/15 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis




Coconut  Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

March 10, 2016

Home of Stephanie Schmidt


The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

The president reported that the trip to the Morikami was excellent.


Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

We took in $471 for bus fees related to the Morikami trip. Total bus expense was $1627.  All our donations were made. Current balance is $3267. We are on budget.


Membership Report- Carla Blanco

Membership dues must be paid by April 1. Members were reminded of the requirements and benefits of the Associate level membership.


Nominating Committee- Martha Larmier

The slate is as follows:

President: Ana Rosa Phillips

1st Vice President: Karen Kearns

2nd Vice President:  Polly Edwards

Recording Secretary: Gale Patron

Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Remeny

By-laws: Marie Pappas


Plant Exchange – Sandra Farwell Elliott

Will be at Sandra’s home April 9th. Bring a plant, take a plant.


Wine and Cheese - Martha Larmier

Will be at Karen Kearns’ home 6:30 PM April 23rd.  Appetizers to be coordinated. Bring a bottle of wine priced around $20.


Inquisitive Gardeners – Lorelei Wagner

The group meets the Monday after the general meeting at each others homes.


Speaker:  Dr. Mike Maunder of the International Center for Tropical Botany, Florida International University and the Kampong National Tropical Botanical Garden spoke on:  “ Favorite Plants From the Green Heart of Africa”




Membership Meetings:

4/14/15 Dr. Carl Lewis on David Fairchild’s expeditions

5/12/15 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis


Coconut  Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

On the bus, on the way to Morakami Gardens

February 11, 2016


The meeting was convened by Karen Rombough, Vice President. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

Expenses $ 100 deposit on the bus.

Membership Report- Jackie Gautreaux

Membership dues are due before April 1, 2016

Updates – There will be a wine tasting/drinking party on March 19.  Save the date. Location is to be determined.


Upcoming Programs

3/10/15 Growing Roses in Florida

4/14/15 Dr. Carl Lewis on David Fairchild’s expedition

5/12/15 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis



Coconut  Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

January 14, 2016

Gardens on Kumquat


The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

Income $2870

Expenses $4612

The holiday party was the best attended ever. The budget was exceeded by $242. President’s remarks

The fee for next year’s party will be $50.00 per person.  The fee for the Kampong end of the year luncheon will be $40.00 per person. The Kampong Luncheon will be coordinated by Isabelle Andrews

The Inquisitive Gardeners

This group was formerly known as the Newbie Group. Lorelei Wagner reported the group will meet this Monday at 1 PM at the home of Irene Schnell.  The group focus is information sharing and  problem solving.  All are welcome.

Garden of the Year

Jean Davis asked for volunteers to head up Publicity, Judging and Awards. It was agreed that the photos would be submitted during the month of April and that the winners would be announced at the Kampong luncheon.

February 11th Meeting at Morikami Musem

There is a $15 fee to confirm a seat on the bus.  Money must be paid by February 1st.

Standing Committee Review/Updates

Community Projects- Sean Reichert

Slow Food: Hidden Kitchen on February 10th . It will be held from 6-9 PM. Chef Allen will prepare a 5 course meal accompanied by wine.  Cost is $140 per person. See  Additionally, a trip to West Palm Beach, for a 5 course dinner at Swank Farm is being held January 31st. The cost is $185.00 per person.

Speakers:  John Clark and Carol Lopez

Our speakers explained the origins and functioning of the “quasi community garden”

Dylan Terry of  Ready-to-Grow Gardens shared information on his company that provides edible landscape design, installation & maintenance.

Membership Meetings:

2/11/16 Morikami Museum

3/10/16 Growing Roses in Florida

4/14/16 Dr. Carl Lewis on David Fairchild’s expedition

5/12/16 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis 




Coconut  Grove 

Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

November 12, 2015

Pinecrest Gardens


The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

Income $80

Expenses $

Balance $9809

Membership Report- Jackie Gautreaux

The holiday party will be at Francoise Ibars’ home. Please sign up to bring food.

The Decorations Workshop will be on 12/8 at 6PM at Robert Yankowski’s Megaflowers shop.

The Newbie Group led by Lorelei Wagner will meet this Monday at 1 PM. There are 4 mentors and 4 learners identified for this meeting.  Lorelei explained that all are welcome to attend the group.


Standing Committee Review/Updates

Community Projects- Sean Reichert

There will be a planting at the Barnacle on 11/24/15 at 9:30 AM. A soil removal project and rose garden work is planned. Please bring equipment, screen, gloves and hats.

Ana Rosa Phillips shared that the Villagers are having a their house tour on Saturday 12/5/15. She will have a table at the event to sell jewelry from Columbia to support a charitable cause. Please contact Louise Petrine for ticket information.

Daniel Phillips will be exhibiting at Context during Art Basel, look for a “not Coconut Grove Garden Club business” email which will follow with more details.

Fred Newman, Terrie’s widower expressed his gratitude for the memorial tree in the Pinecrest Garden and for the role the club played in her life.

Polly Edwards offered her coconut trees of uncertain parentage to the members.  We are advised not to underwater them.


Speaker:  Craig from Pinecrest Gardens lead a tour through the garden, focusing on Terrie Neuman’s powderpuff tree.


Membership Meetings:

12/11/15 Holiday Party

1/14/16 Kumquat garden

2/11/16 Morikami Museum

3/10/15 Growing Roses in Florida

4/14/15 Dr. Carl Lewis on David Fairchild’s expedition

5/12/15 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis General Meeting

October 8, 2015

Home of Betsy Steel



The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

Pledge of Allegiance

Minutes of previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

Income $180

Expenses $574

Balance $9629

Membership Report- Carlo Blanco

Prospective member Thea Berger.  If Thea joins we will be at our maximum.

Member of the month is our hostess from last month, Tiffany Prodger.  Jeanne Wiig shared Tiffany’s many accomplishments, which include being a trained zoologist, international travel, sailing, diving and being supportive to her husband’s role in the British foreign service.

Standing Committee Review/Updates

Community Projects- Sean Reichert

Tuesday, October 13 there will be a Slow Food Miami Snail Social at Edge Steak & Bar.

 October 17th  there will be a teachers’ workshop.  If our members are interested in attending, contact Sean

School activities are planned.

Slow Food will be doing a planting in November.

Coconut Grove Garden Club Garden of the Year

Jean Davis will chair the project

Newbie South Florida Gardening Group

Lorelei Wagner is looking for mentors for this group.

Website  Members are encouraged to use the site as the key source of information.

Tree Committee Ghislaine Greene will be forwarding information on tree related activities.

Holiday Party –Francoise Ibars will have the party at her home.  Carla Blanco will act as coordinator. Please sign up.


Speaker:  Meg Daly, founder of the Underline gave a brilliant talk on the development of a 10-mile linear park and urban trail underneath the Metrorail.


Membership Meetings:

11/12/15 Pinecrest Garden

12/11/15 Holiday Party

1/14/16 Vizcaya garden

2/11/16 Morikami Museum

3/10/15 Growing Roses in Florida

4/14/15 Dr. Carl Lewis on David Fairchild’s expedition

5/12/15 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong


Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis


Coconut  Grove Garden Club Minutes

General Meeting

September 10, 2015

Home of Tiffany Prodger

The meeting was convened by Marie Pappas, President. 

Treasurer’s Report – Jackie Gautreaux

Jackie reviewed the 2015-2016 Budget and Account Balance. Reports (2) attached. Updated balance is $10,082.94

Membership Report- Carlo Blanco

We have 48 active members inclusive of 9 new members, 20 associate members and 4 lifetime members. Two of our New Member slots remain to be filled.

 Recognition of Kim Davison- Thanks and appreciation were given to Kim and her team for the successful project resulting in the planting of a Powder Puff Tree memorializing Terrie Newman in Pinecrest Gardens.

Thanks to Tiffany Prodger for providing her home for today’s meeting.

Standing Committee Review/Updates

Bylaws- Carla Blanco

An amendment to the by-laws to include the annual meeting in meeting the minimum requirement of meetings attended (8) was passed. 

Website – Carla Blanco

We are all encouraged to provide a photo to be placed next to our names on the web, to facilitate learning each other’s names.

Community Projects- Sean Reichert

Vizcaya will be the site of the January 14, 2016 meeting. Tours will be available at a discount. 

School activities are planned.

Slow Food will be doing a planting in November.

Slow Food calendar will be shared.

Hidden Kitchen events cost between $ $85-$100 per person and Sean will forward information as it becomes available.

Our club continues to support the raised gardens at the Barnacle.

Our club supports the Bridal Garden at Plymouth Church. An October work day is pending

Coconut Grove Garden Club Garden of the Year

Jean Davis will chair the project

Newbie South Florida Gardening Group

Lorelei Wagner will head up this project

Holiday Party –Francoise Ibars will have the party at her home.  A Chair is needed.

Kampong Lunch - A chair is needed.

Telephone Committee – Martha Mensch volunteered to chair this committee.

Newsletter – Consensus was developed that this function would be combined with meeting announcements.

Publicity- in her absence, Isabelle Andrews was nominated.

Patricia van Dalen, our member and the internationally renowned visual artist, gave a brilliant talk on her process of creating ephemeral installations featuring paradoxical images.

Membership Meetings:

10/8/15 The Underline

11/12/15 Pinecrest Garden

12/11/15 Holiday Party

1/14/16 Vizcaya garden

2/11/16 Morikami Museum

3/10/15 Growing Roses in Florida

4/14/15 Dr. Carl Lewis on David Fairchild’s expedition

5/12/15 End of Year Meeting and Luncheon at the Kampong

Respectfully submitted,

Jean Anne Davis



FEBRUARY 12, 2015

President Gerry Smith called the meeting to order at the lovely home of Karen Kearns.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE:        Jeanne Wigg is head of the committee and Suzi James and Karen Rombough will be on her committee.  The club members                                                      voted and approved the committee.

HORTICULTURE:          Sandra Farwell talked about the Copper Leaf plants.   They can grow in shade or sun.  They can be a hedge or focal point.   

                                    Plant exchange is on March 21, 2015..  Bring 3 plants and a covered dish.

SLOW FOODS:             Sein Reichert talked about Earth Day at The Barnacle on April 19, 2015, volunteers will be needed to help  set up and take down from                                     9 a.m to 4  p.m.

                                     Viscaya gardens will be  used for a cooking class.  $65 to attend.  Open House of the gardens on Saturday, Feb. 28 from 12 to 4.    


HOLIDAY PARTY:         Gerry thanked Carla Blanco and Alba Biondi for a great party and Jo-Ann Forster for her beautiful home.

SPEAKER:                    Betty Eber was our guest speaker on growing orchids.   

RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED:       Barbara Alldredge

                                                    Recording Secretary   




JANUARY 8, 2015

President Gerry Smith called the meeting to order although there really wasn't a meeting.

Jeremy Gauger, AIA, Vice President, Arquitectonica GEO gave a tour of the vertical gardens.   Ana Rosa Phillips gave a tour of the museum.  The art work of Beatriz Millahzes was on display.

Respectfully submitted:   

Barbara Alldredge

Recording Secretary


NOVEMBER 12, 2014

President Gerry Smith called the meeting to order and asked for a moment of silent prayer in memory of Terrie Newman.  The minutes of October 9 were approved.

1.    TREASURERS REPORT:   $10,370 balance.

2.    DEERING DECORATIONS:   Martha Larmier talked about Deering Estate Christmas decorating on Dec. 2, 2014, and asked for volunteers.

3.   HORTICULTURE:    Sandra Farwell Elliott talked about what to use and what not to use as far as poisons on plants, aphids,  and snails.  

4.    HOLIDAY PARTY:    Alba Biondi and Carla Blanco asked for cooking volunteers to help with the Italian menu for the party.   They will be cooking on                 December 2.   The party will be at Jo-Ann Forster's beautiful home on December 12, 2014.

5.    MEMBERSHIP:    The member of the month is Patricia Van Dalen.  

6.    NEXT MEETING:    January 8, 2015 will be a tour of the Perez Art Museum.

7.    SPEAKER:    Jeffrey S. Block, M.D., President, Block Botanical Gardens.  


OCTOBER 9, 2014

President Gerry Smith called the meeting to order and the minutes of the 9/11/14 meeting were approved.  Courtney Berry hosted the meeting at her lovely home built in 1820.

1.    TREASURER'S REPORT:    Marie Pappas reported that a $250 donation was sent to Montgomery Botanical Center.  

2.    HOLIDAY PARTY:   Alba Biondi and Carla Blanco will announce the theme of the party at the next meeting.  The cost of the party is $35 per person.  It will be on December 12 at the                home  of Joann Forster. 

3.    HORTICULTURE:    Sandra Farwell reported on cycads.  She will be making monthly reports on what should be or is happening in your gardens.

4.    MEMBERSHIP:       Suzi James presented the member of the month for Jeanne Wigg.  Everyone enjoyed hearing about Courtney Berry.  A resume will be given each month about a                member of the club.

5.    BARNACLE PLANTING:    Sean Reichert announced that there will be a planting at The Barnacle on Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 9:30 a.m.  Help was asked for.

6.    NEXT MEETING:       Will be at Block Botanical Gardens on November 13, 2014.

7.    SPEAKERS:    Courtney Berry introduced our speakers, Ben Burle of Ben Burle Design and Debra Yates of Debra Yates Design.  They spoke about landscaping and art design.

Respectfully submitted:     Barbara Alldredge  

                                              Recording Secretary  


SEPTEMBER 11, 2014

President Gerry Smith presided over her first meeting at Montgomery Botanical Center.  She asked members to think about what our flag means as we do the salute on this special day, September 11.  She thanked Shirley Berckmans for her hard work in getting the yearbook ready and Polly Edwards and her committee for the delicious food and drink.

Treasurer's Report:  Marie Pappas presented the 2014-15 budget as approved by the Board.  A motion was made to approve and seconded.

Membership:  Carla Blanco reported that we have 8 new and 2 returning members.

Holiday/Christmas Party:   During the tour, Patricia Van Dalen and Alba Biondi have agreed to be chairmen.

Horticulture:  Sandra Farwell Elliott...Each month she will talk about a plant and how to care for it.

Courtney Berry introduced our speaker, Patrick Griffith, Director of the Montgomery Botanical Center.  MBC is the living legacy of Robert and Nell Montgomery.  Housed on their 120 acre Coral Gables estate, it included the largest and finest private collections of palms and cycads in the world.  MBC is an independent, nonprofit institution devoted to advancing the science of tropical botany.

Minutes of the End of the Year Luncheon at The Kampong, May 8, 2014

The meeting was called to order by President Suzi James.

She thanked everyone including her board and new members this year for their hard work and cooperation.

A special thanks to Robert Yankowski for the flower arrangements for the Christmas party and the flowers on the table for the luncheon.

Marie Pappas gave a treasurers report.  We started with $12, 023 and now have $11,343.    We always finish up close to where we start.  $4,400 was given to charities.

Sean Reichert talked about Slow Foods.  Thanked everyone for their support.  The Garden Club donated $2,000 to the garden program at Vizcaya.  

Suzi introduced the new board:

President                        Gerry Smith

1st VP                              Courtney Berry

2nd VP                             Polly Edwards

3rd VP                              Suzi James 

Recording Sec.                 Barbara Alldredge

Asst. Recording Sec.        Jean Davis

Corresponding Sec.         Lisa Remeny

Asst. Corres. Sec.             Barbara Barnard

Treasurer                          Marie Pappas

Asst.  Treasurer                Ana Rosa Phillips

Bylaws                               Carla Blanco

Our new President, Gerry Smith, presented Suzi James with a gift from the Garden Club to thank her for all her hard work as past president.  

The new members were introduced by their sponsors:  Antonia Arboleda by Beryl Hamilton; Christine Morley and Debbie Conway by Leah Everheart; Cathy Hassine, a returning member; Nancy Elsas, a returning member,  by Karen Kearns;  Setphanie Schmidt by Gail Beckham;  Janis Isom by Barbara Alldredge

The meeting was adjourned and Margaret Hoeveler presented a slide show showing our events from the past year.

The luncheon was catered by Michael Meltzer and the food was delicious.  The Paraiso Players provided us with beautiful music while we enjoyed our lunch.

April, 2014 meeting

The meeting was called to order by our President, Suzi James.  

She gave a big thank you to Paulette for hosting the meeting at her lovely home and giving us cooking lessons using fresh vegetables and herbs.   The result was a delicious lunch which we all enjoyed!!

Main business was about the new board  and what each position entails.

Sean Reichert presented the new board to be approved by the members.

President                            Gerry Smith
1st VP                                  Courtney Berry
2nd VP                                 Polly Edwards
3rd VP                                  Suzi James  
Recording Sec.                     Barbara Alldredge
Asst. Recording Sec.             Jean Davis
Corresponding Sec.             Lisa Remeny
Asst. Corresponding Sec.     Barbara Barnard
Treasurer                              Marie Pappas
Asst. Treasurer                     Ana Rosa Phillips
Bylaws                                  Carla Blanco 

There were no other nominations from the floor.

Jo-Ann  Forster made a motion to accept the new board, seconded by Jeanne Wigg.

Sandra Farwell wants to host another wine evening.  

Also, flowering arranging was suggested for next year.

Sean Reichert talked about Slow  Foods at Viscaya and the Barnacle.  Work and efforts are paying off and appreciated. The gardens are doing well.

Carla Blanco is in charge of membership.  She talked about new membership  and renewing memberships.  We have to attend 4 meetings a year to remain active and reminded us to inform our new members of this rule. The Christmas Party and Kampong do not count towards the 4 required meetings.
According to by laws, we can take new members into July. 

The timing of the Kampong should be refreshments at 10, meeting at 11, and lunch afterwards.

Membership money was collected--$90 for active and $120 for inactive.   Also, $35 was collected for the Kampong Luncheon.

The meeting adjourned and the cooking began!

Barbara Alldredge, Asst. Recording Secretary 

Coconut Grove Garden Club Meeting 3/13/14
Roger Hammer's Garden

Carla Blanco called the meeting to order. Suzi James was out of town.

Who is on the list for hospitality next month (4/10) at Paulette's house?  Please stay and help clean up.

Membership--time to pay dues and fill out form. Due by April 1 to Marie Pappas.

Sean and Sandra have been working on the slate:   President:  Gerry Smith, VP:  Courtney Berry, Hospitality:  Polly Edwards, 3rd VP.: Suzi James,  Recording Sec.: Barbara Alldredge; Ass. Recording Sec.: Jean Davis; Corresponding Sec.: Lisa Remeny,   Ass. Corresponding Sec.: Barbara Barnard;  Treasurer:  Marie Pappas, Asst. Treasurer: Ana Rosa Phillips.

Lisa Remeny will have story in garden section of Miami Herald on 3/16.

Margaret Hoeveler thanked everyone for the flowers.  She is going through chemo for breast cancer.

Martha Larmier fractured her pelvis while skiing.  

Wine tasting will be on a Sat. in April.

Plant exchange at Sandra Farwell's  house was a big success. 

Sean talked about Viscaya Gardens.  It is growing well.
He will send out email for a Tuesday maintenance.

Jean Davis talked about the Kampong.  She gave out forms or we can pull them up on the web site.
The date is May 8, 2014.  Margaret Hoeveler is making a video for the luncheon.

Polly Edwards  reminded everyone of the Rescue Mission and collected personal care packs. 

The meeting was adjourned and we took of a tour of Roger Hammer's beautiful garden. 

Barbara Alldredge
Ass. Recording Secretary 


Coconut Garden Club - November Meeting 

Coconut Grove, FL

November 14, 2013



The meeting was called to order by our President, Suzi James.  She thanked Lisa Remeny for the use of her home and mentioned Lisa's artwork is on display and for sale.  Martha Larmier has also placed her jewelry on display and for sale.


There are many sign up sheets for members to volunteer for several upcoming events:  Deering Bay Christmas Decorating (Martha mentioned the date will be one morning Monday or Tuesday after Thanksgiving), The Redlands Bus Trip (bus attendance & packed lunches), Christmas Party Clean-up and Christmas Party Food, set up volunteers 5:30 the day of the Christmas Party, and the day after for clean up.


All members were asked to give checks ($35.00 per person) to Joann Foster for the Christmas Party for the e-vite that was sent out to everyone, the party is at Nancy Virgin's fiancé's home on December 13th.


Paulette Bilsky was asked to discuss a $1,000.00 donation discussed at our board meeting to give to SAFFFE (Save American Family Farms From Extinction).  She discussed Teena Borek's amazing initiative in this non-profit organization that is building a farm for local children to visit and experience local farming  first hand.  The mission statement from the website: was shared with the members and Paulette discussed the " Kids 2 Farm 2 Table" program Teena is initiating to teach these children about local produce and sustainable farming.  After the information was given the donation request was put to vote, Barbara Barnard (among many others) seconded the motion, and it was a unanimous yes vote.  Paulette asked that we not tell Teena so we can surprise her with the check during the Redlands Farm tour in February.


Marie Pappas reported on behalf of the Treasurer that there were no changes in our finances since the last meeting.


Sean Reichert discussed the Vizcaya raised garden planting day that was attended by 10 Garden Club volunteers, to add to the planting initiated by over a 100 volunteers (Slow Food Miami) in September.  Another planting will be held on November 19, Tuesday at Vizcaya, across the street from the Miami Museum of Science.  The long range goal is to turn this area recently taken back into possession by Vizcaya, back into a farm, they are trying to replicate the etchings of the garden from 1910.  Garden planners are looking for a permanent trellis structure to serve as the center piece of the garden, anyone who may have an idea for a metal trellis or would like to donate one was asked to contact Sean.  This centerpiece will be used to help beans and other vegetables to grow.  Sean has worked very hard on this project and he will help us with our continued partnership with Slow Food Miami and their efforts to help keep this garden available for families and children to enjoy in the future.


Ana Rosa gave an update on the opening of the Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science, Perez Art Museum Miami opening December 3 and all Club members are invited and  encouraged to attend the opening.


Sandra Elliott shared many cuttings from her garden for ideas and instruction on how to prepare plants to share for the Plant Sale.  She shared many varieties from her garden and then let members take them for their garden.  She mentioned for everyone  to start preparing their cuttings for the first weekend in March.  It wold be best for everyone to bring 4 plants they have propagated from their garden. 


Robert Yankowski discussed that Tuesday, December 10 @ 5:30 pm at 3250 Grand Avenue (Mega Flowers) Coconut Grove, we will need unique garden items and we will work on garland and a pool float!  We only have 3 people on the 12th of December at Nancy Virgin's fiancé's home for about 2 hours.  Will be working on tabletop arrangements and focus on smaller decorations than last year.  If you have anything from your garden please bring to Mega Flowers.  Sean, Carla and Robert will be visiting the home again and he thinks we may need to borrow some up lights to brighten the garden.


Lisa Remeny thanked everyone for coming to her home and reminded everyone that there are cards, artwork etc. for sale along with Martha's jewelry.


Paulette Bilsky mentioned she is collecting toys for the Miami Children' Hospital if anyone would like to bring an unwrapped toy to the party.


The meeting was adjourned and Suzi introduced our guest speaker:  Carlos Somoza, The Landscape Design Studio.



Paulette Bilsky

Recording Secretary

COCONUT GROVE GARDEN CLUB--Minutes of General Meeting--October 10, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President Suzi James at the Doc Thomas House in South Miami.  There was an Audubon Society tour after the meeting.


Sandra Farwell talked about the plant sale.  Decided on a Saturday in March.  Last year we used a silent auction and made a $100.  We will have a sign up sheet next meeting.  Think about what you have in your garden and plant it now so there is time to grow.  The sale will be at Sandra's house.  

Christmas Party:   Carla Blanco is in charge of this party.  We should have everyone's money ($35) by  November so she can organize caterers, etc.  A sign up sheet was passed around for assistance and homemade food.   Robert Yankowski will do decorations on Tuesday, Dec. 10 at 6 p.m.  Installation will be on Dec. 12 at 6 p.m.

Paulette Bilsky has been made Madame d'Escoffier  .  She will cook for us in April.

Sean Reichert talked about Slow Food.    The garden will be planted on Oct. 22 at Viscaya between 9:30 and 11:30.  CGGC is needed to assist in the planting.  Harvested vegetables will be used in a private dinner party with local chefs.  The location is located across the street from Viscaya at the Carriage House.  

Treasurer's Report

Donations were talked about.  Need approval to increase our donation to Slow Food from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00.  
Fairchild Gardens:            $250 plus $75 membership
Audubon:                          $250
Kampong                           $500
Gifford                               $250 

Guest Speaker    

Dr. Mike Maunder, Ass. Dean for Research at FIU

The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Alldredge, Asst. Recording Secretary


COCONUT GROVE GARDEN CLUB--Minutes of General Meeting--September 12, 2013


The meeting was called to order by President Suzi James at the home of Patricia Barrow.  Thank you so much Patricia.


Suzi thanked Isabelle Andrews who organized the refreshments and the hostesses who helped her for today's meeting.


Treasurer's Report

Marie Pappas, the Treasurer, reported that we had $11,217.00 in account from last year and $12,023.00 this year.

We donated $2,400.00 last year.  The budget will be reviewed at the board meeting.


General Meeting

Sean Reichert talked about planting a garden at Viscaya.  Viscaya is closed on Tuesdays so the CGCC could plant and maintain the garden on this day.  Pictures of the garden are on web site.  A committee is needed to plan and get volunteers to  undertake  in the garden which would begin in October.


Martha Lamier and Sandra Farwell Elliott are in charge of programs.    Sandra gave us the info for each month.

October:                    Audobon House, Dr. Mike Maunder, speaker

Nov.:                           Lisa Remeny's house, landscape designer and artist showcase

Dec.                            Holiday Party, Nancy Virgin's house

Jan.:                            Fairchild Tropical Garden, Wings of the Tropics

Feb.                             Tour Redlands

Mar.                             Roger Hammer's home in Homestead

Apr.                              Paulette Bilsky's home (cooking lesson)

May                             End of Year luncheon at The Kampong       


The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Alldredge, Asst. Recording Secretary 

Date:  October 2, 2012

Location:  Home Design & Remodeling Show of Suzi James


The first order of business was to discuss the plans for this years Christmas Party.  The party will be held at the Home Design & Remodeling Show of Nancy Virgin on Friday, December 13, 2013.  

Sign -up sheets for Food & Decorations will be made available by Gerry Smith.  The following are the details decided upon to date:


-  Each member will pay $35.00 per person to Marie Pappas by the November 14th meeting @Lisa Remeny's Home.

-  Gail Beckham and Albert Eldridge will be in charge of the food committee.

-  decoration committee will meet on December 10 at Robert Yankowski's Floral Shop in Coconut Grove.

-  two (2) ladies will be hired to help Hostess with clean up

-  AAA Bartending School will be providing bartenders to serve at the bar (Sean Reichert and Paulette Bilsky will coordinate alcohol)

-  Suzi James has donated 2 cases of wine and possibly a bottle of Vodka from her husband Nick,  we will also feature a specialty drink upon arrival of all guests

-  no paper invites will be sent only e-votes will be sent

-  Sandra Elliot and Gerry Smith will have clipboards and sign up sheets for all to participate.


Sean Reichart discussed the amazing raised (community) garden constructed at Vizcaya by Slow Food and mentioned that plaques will be posted naming Garden Club as sponsors.  It was agreed to donate to Slow Food again this year, we will double the amount to $2,000.00 (?).  


Paulette Bilsky discussed the incredible work being done by Teena Borek in Homestead Florida at her farm.  She has created a non- profit (S.A.F.F.F.E.) farm for children to be able to visit and interact in a safe farm environment and learn about gardening and sustainability.  A request was made to support her efforts and it was agreed to present Teena with a check at the February meeting in the Redlands.


Martha Lamier will be in charge of the Deering Bay decorations and we encourage all to sign up and participate in this endeveaor.


Tremendous event was discussed regarding the trees along US1 and our continued participation. Another planting is being coordinated.


The Vizcaya planting date has been changed to October 22 not October 24, the location is at the back of the Museum of Science Building.  


It was suggested we create a marketing person to send out press releases to community and area news people discussing our participation in all these exciting events.  We will be working on getting this together.


We discussed sending get well cards to some of our members who are dealing with various illnesses and this will be done by Gerry Smith.  


Attendance:  Suzi James, Sandra Elliot, Martha Larmier, Marie Pappas, Sean Reichert, Gerry Smith, Barbara Alldredge, Robert Yankowski and Paulette Bilsky.




Paulette Bilsky

Recording Secretary




SEPTEMBER 13, 2012

The meeting was called to order by our new President, Sandra Farwell, at 10:00 a.m. at the awesome Snapper Creek Estates home of Bev Murphy, 1061 Snapper Creek Road, Coral Gables, FL.   After the Pledge of Allegiance, Sandra welcomed all new members to their first meeting and a warm welcome back to all returning members.


Assistant Treasurer, Courtney Berry gave the report.   Last year's balance was $10,289.00; this year' s starting balance is $11,379.00;  Martha Larmier was reimbursed $150.00 at the end of the year for various expenses.  There was discussion regarding allowing $300.00 to $400.00 for future programs.


Initially there was no report, however, Alba Biondi, our membership chair, reminded us that we must attend at least 4 meetings.  In addition, it was noted that we have 11 new members and we were encouraged to get to know them all.   Everyone was reminded to take a copy of the new yearbook inserts.

Sandra encouraged us to sign up for committees.  There was some discussion regarding these committees and it was decided and discussed as follows:

Christmas Party

Robert Yarkowski volunteered to be Chairman, and Sean Reichert volunteered to be Co-Chair.

Deering Estate Christmas Decorations

Martha Larmier once again has agreed to take this on!!

Trees Committee

Terrie Newman announced we will collaborate with Treemendous for plantings under the Metrorail along Dixie Highway - dates to be announced.

Community Projects

Sean Reichert, who is active with Slow Food Miami needs volunteers;

The vegetable garden project at the Barnacle needs attention - he asked for volunteers;   Lisa Remeny volunteered to do a plaque and Martha Larmier will assist her. They also discussed making signs for the various vegetables and herbs in the gardens.


Sean asked for anyone interested in helping him with many other gardens around town to either sign up on the sheet provided at the meeting or call him regarding these projects.

Kampong Luncheon

Co-Chairman, Sean Reichert suggested we need volunteers to help with the clean up after the luncheon and would like input regarding decorations.


Chairman, Carol Garvin, reminded everyone that the new Yearbook has the listings of hostesses and the dates for the meetings - she will, of course, send out reminder e-mails to everyone involved.

Open discussion

Sandra reminded us that our new website is now set up: I took out the password from the minutes since they will be posted in the non-password protected section of our website!!

Gail Beckham announced there may be some changes to the upcoming program dates - we will be advised.

One of the projects we will be doing this year is a "plant exchange" or silent auction to be held at Sandra's house in March. We should look around our gardens and decide what we love and what we could divide up, cut up or air-layer for the plant exchange. Next month Albert will show us how to prepare different types of plants for sharing. 

We also plan to have some "field trips" for all to participate in and perhaps a "wine tasting".

Albert Eldridge is our Horticulturalist and will be taking some time every month to address gardening issues. He told us that next month he will be advising us about getting our yards ready for the winter. We should also bring any gardening questions to the next meeting and to all subsequent meetings.

Jeanne Wigg left some flyers for the Chelsea Garden Show in case anyone is interested.  Linda Flores suggested a trip to Nantucket would be fun for us too.

Bev Murphy was introduced and gave us a wonderful description of how they built their home and shared her artistry in making the Halloween decorations for Fairchild. 

NO ONE WANTED TO LEAVE - it was that special - the house and surroundings, the cameraderie and the speaker!

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara J. Barnard, Recording Secretary



OCTOBER 11, 2012

The meeting was called order by President Sandra Farwell Elliott, at 10:00 a.m. at Palm Hammock Orchid Estate, 9995 S. W. 66th Street, Miami, FL.  After the Pledge of Allegiance, Sandra welcomed several guests brought along by some of our members.  In addition, Sandra announced that we are happy to welcome a new member who is joining our group.  At that time, JoAnn Forster introduced her sister, Sande Forster Keil, who is very knowledgeable about many fields of gardening and will be a wonderful addition to our group.

Sandra gave special thanks to our Hospitality Chair, Carol Garvin, and the hostesses contributing brunch items for this meeting.


Treasurer, Marie Pappas, reported our beginning balance was $11,618.00.  We have spent $328.00 so far this year, and our present balance is $11,289.00.


We were reminded by Sandra that new members are usually accepted between April 1st and June 1st for the following calendar year.  However, this year the board decided to accept JoAnn Forster's sister, Sande Forster Keil, because we have only had one meeting and she can still attend the four required meetings and can still be in a committee. 


Albert Eldridge is the Chairperson for this new committee and we are planning a "question and answer" period each month at our meetings.  In addition Albert will set up an email account especially for this subject so that we can communicate with him through email as well.


Martha Larmier asked for those interested in participating with Deering Estate holiday decorations to please sign up - the first meeting will be next Thursday, November 18th 2012, at the Ceramic League, 10:00 a.m., 8873 S. W. 129th Street, Miami, FL.


Sean Reichert asked that anyone interested in participating in Slow Food projects to please sign up and/or give him a call for any additional information.  The school plantings are done during the day, with over 34 new schools this year and 65 gardens.  The cost for each garden is $650.00, and our club's contribution is always appreciated.  They tended 92 gardens last year.  Our club members are invited to help maintain the Barnacle garden again this year and this month Sean and his group will be planting at the Barnacle.  Sean will be in contact with all people who signed up.  Sean also announced several dates for upcoming events for Slow Food.  Thighs and Pies (a very popular event) will be held November 3rd at the Barnacle - you bake two pies - one for raffle and one to be judged and eaten at the event.  Also, this Tuesday there is a social at the Federal, 5132 Biscayne Blvd., Miami, FL.  Please visit the following website for all dates and times and for further information.

Slow Food website for listing of events:

Always call Sean Reichert for approval to participate in any of these activities.


Sandra announced we need a "super chair" for this event - someone to do the coordinating and organizing of "sub committees".  Carla Blanco volunteered to be the Super Chair, with Albert Eldridge in charge of food, and Robert Yankowski in charge of the decorations.

There was some discussion regarding changing the name to Holiday Party and we all agreed!


Sandra opened the floor for discussion and many members were interested in dealing with fungus on their plants and rotting roots.  Several people had questions regarding many other problems in their gardens and suggestions were offered by other members and some of our guests as well.

We were reminded that the plant auction will be a "silent plant auction" to be held on a Saturday in March (date to be announced) at the home of our President, Sandra Farwell Elliott.  This should be a fun event for everyone.  We were encouraged to "get those plants ready".  The most important thing to remember is to bring a plant that would be "suitable to buy", and the cost will probably be a nominal fee starting at a dime and going as high as the most interested person wants to bid.  Also, a reminder to get your vegetable seedlings ready for planting later this month.

Our guest speaker, Ann Anderson, was announced and we enjoyed a most informative discussion.  Ann and her husband Tim have been owners of the Palm Hammock since 1973 and she shared with us how they started the business and what they specialize in today.  Most enjoyable!

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara J. Barnard, Recording Secretary







NOVEMBER 8, 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Sandra Farwell Elliott, at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Anne Tastiel, 285 S. Hibiscus Drive, Miami Beach, (Hibiscus Island) FL 33139.  After the Pledge of Allegiance, Sandra gave a special thank you to our hostess and our Hospitality Chair, Carol Garvin, and her group for a wonderful variety of salads, breads and drinks.  It was brought to our attention that today is Sandra's birthday.....we all sang happy birthday to her wished her well.


Marie Pappas announced that the budget needs to be approved, and copies of the proposed budget were passed around for all members present to peruse.  After much discussion, questions and answers, it was agreed to pass the budget as proposed - with three  revisions:  (1) the allocation for the Kampong lunch will be increased to $1,200.00; (2) we will discontinue the $100.00 donation to the children's tennis program; and (3) we will no longer purchase a membership to Fairchild Tropical Garden but will instead increase the amount we donate to Fairchild and will try to get passes for our members (Gail Beckham will call the garden regarding this and advise).

Sean Reichert made a motion that the budget be approved and another member seconded.


Another thank you from Sandra and many other members to Carol Garvin for a job well done so far this year.

Regarding the field trip in January to the Clyde Butcher Big Cypress Gallery in Ochopee, FL (Everglades), there was much discussion.  Isabelle Andrews will assist Carol Garvin in organizing the food and people assigned to the January hospitality team will prepare sandwiches for the outing.  We all plan to carpool in lieu of a bus as transportation.  Emails will be sent out regarding this event as the date gets closer.


Carla Blanco, our super chair for this event made the announcement that December 1st is the deadline for signing up and sending checks.  Maria Rosa Phillips will send email reminders.  Albert Elbrecht is in charge of food and Robert Yankowski is in charge of decorations (contact them if you want to volunteer).

Maria Rosa, Corresponding Secretary, asked that anyone "not" receiving emails regarding club matters to please let her know after the meeting.

Albert thanked Carla for the pre-holiday party meeting at her house in which the committee accomplished a lot in planning this event.  The menu will be cold food that will be easy to eat and guests can stand and socialize or sit at a table - the choice is yours!!!  Members were eager to offer special foods that they will bring too - sounds fabulous!!! In addition to the food, we were promised lots of surprises from the decorations down to the music.

Sean brought it to our attention that we need a keyboard player.


Sean asked that the people signed up for this committee can just stop by the Barnacle and help out as they see fit.  The rose bushes especially need trimming.

Sean also announced an event on November 29th at the Kampong - "Ark of Taste", which is an extremely popular event and tickets are going fast at ($250.00).


Martha Larmier announced that at the last session only two people showed up, and they made some Christmas ornaments.  After Thanksgiving, Martha will send out emails on dates for her committee, but she needs "six good people" to put up the decorations at Deering.


There was much discussion regarding planting vegetables and herbs.

Our guest speaker was Debra De Marco, who owns her own business "D.D.M. Horticulture Services, Inc.".  We saw a beautiful slide show and interesting talk about French gardens in Europe and America.  Her contact information was available, but Sandra will follow up regarding ordering bulk seeds, supplies, etc.






JANUARY 10, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President Sandra Farwell Elliott, at 12:15 p.m. at the Clyde Butcher Big Cypress Gallery in Ochopee, FL (Everglades), after our group did the Swamp Walk.  We had a lovely lunch along with discussion as follows:

Sandra thanked both Karen Rombough for organizing the tour and Carol Garvin for organizing the food committee and her hostesses in providing our lunch.  A special thank you for all who put the Christmas Party together - we all agreed it was one of the best ever.


The green covers for our membership books will be available at the February meeting for the members who need them.


There have been some changes in our program listings and schedule....some of the dates are incorrect and some meeting venues have been changed. The February meeting will take place on February 21st, instead of the 14th. Currently we are scheduled to meet at or near the Kampong.  Ana Rosa will send out emails to all members regarding these changes.  


February 9, 2013 is the date for the plant exchange and silent auction.  It is to be held at Sandra Elliott's house and we are each to bring at least 3 plants and one dish for a lunch after.  Paulette Bilsky will be in charge of coordinating the food.


It was agreed to have a wine tasting on April 7, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the home of Albert Elbrecht.  Only the red wines will be judged.  It is okay to bring a white wine if that is your preference.


Martha Larmier announced that the decorations must come down this week and therefore, she needs five (5) volunteers to help on Friday, January 11, 2013 at 1:30 p.m.  Five people raised their hands to help.


Terri Newman announced we will once again join Treemendous in early June to help in the planting under the Metrorail - date to be announced.


In November we donated $250.00 to the Audubon Society.  The holiday party collected $2,590.00 from members and the cost was $3,533.00.  The cost for today's swamp walk was $795.00.  We still have a very healthy balance of $9,181.00.

Checks will be mailed out to Fairchild Tropical Garden and other donations which are already in the budget.


Paulette Bilsky announced a fun day at Tina's Pride in Homestead on Saturday, February 3, 2013 - free admission and a cooking demo in support of local farmers.  She encouraged us to attend and will send out an email with the details.

Ana Rosa Phillips announced the "Tour of Kitchens", sponsored by Coral Gables Foundation, on January 26, 2013 - $50.00 for the day tour - she will be selling the tickets to all interested.

The meeting was adjourned and we all agreed that it was a fun day slogging through the swamp!!!

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara J. Barnard, Recording Secretary




FEBRUARY 14, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President, Sandra Farwell Elliott, at 11:10 a.m., at the home of Beryl Hamilton, 4545 San Amaro Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33143 -  following the speaker, Scott Zona, Curator at Wertheim Conservatory at FIU, whose subject for today's meeting was pollination.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Sandra thanked Beryl for offering her home at the last  moment.  Also, a special thank you to the hostesses who provided a lovely brunch.  Gail Beckham was asked to give us a report on the changes in schedule for the upcoming meetings.


The March 14, 2013 meeting will be held at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden at 9:30 a.m.  We will be joining up with the Miami Beach Garden Club who also start their meeting in the Garden at 9:30am. There will be a lecture, and a garden tour. Lunch with the Miami Beach Garden Club is also offered for $10.00 per person. Gail asked that as many people as possible accept this invitation since they were kind enough to extend it.   

 Please email Gail Beckham "yes" or "no" no later than March 1st, so she can make the luncheon arrangements.  In addition, mail all checks to: Marie Pappas, Treasurer, no later than March 1st.

APRIL Meeting at GIFFORD ARBORETUM (April 11, 2013) 

Sandra asked Gail to find out exactly "where" the meeting will be taking place, and also to check on the parking for all of us.  Gail added that transportation was possible via Metrorail and either a 10 minute walk from the Metrorail to the Arboretum or on the Coral Gables Trolley.  Carla Blanco will post this information on our club website.

KAMPONG LUNCHEON    (May 9, 2013)

Carla Blanco announced that our end of year luncheon at the Kampong will be held May 9, 2013.  Please RSVP to Carla, as well as sending your $35.00 check to her.   The Kampong is being very strict this year, needing to know our numbers and the names of the people who will be attending. The time they are giving us to be at the Kampong is still from 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.  We will have our usual coffee and start the meeting at 10:30 a.m. - We were urged to bring any new members or potential members along to this wonderful meeting/luncheon.


Marie Pappas reported we have $8,547.00.  We donated $1,000.00 to Slow Food; $250.00 to Treemendous; and we made approximately $107.00 from our Plant Exchange (great for our wine tasting perhaps).  The check to Fairchild Tropical Gardens is still not disbursed.  Donations to the Kampong and the Arboretum will be disbursed on the day of the event.


Sandra reminded us that we "must" attend at least four (4) general meetings to stay eligible for membership.  Alba Biondi announced that the inserts and green covers are available.   Sandra asked that if you leave the club to please give back the green covers to cut down on the expense of purchasing new ones.

There was more general discussion regarding various membership issues. We currently have three open spots for new members and may have more by the end of the 2012-2013 year.  Please give Alba the names of any new members you wish to bring in so they can go on the waiting list. She will let the sponsors know in May who will be invited to join the club. 

Dues for 2013-2014 are to be paid by April 1st.  It is still $90.00 for active members and $120.00 for associate members.

Sandra appointed Sean and Isabelle once again as the nominating committee for next year's board.  Marie Pappas agreed to continue another year as Treasurer. Anyone who would like to be on the board, please let Sean or Isabelle know. 


Sean Reichert thanked us for the donations to the various gardens he is working on -  $650.00 for each one.  The Barnacle has two gardens that have been replanted - please stop by any time to help with these.

Sean held a "Health Fair" at Booker T. Washington School in Overtown which sounded very impressive - teaching children about plants, vegetables and fruits - helping them become more aware.  He has had success with a cookbook and programs that very few people know about and about 200 students came to his booth.  He wants to start another garden at Booker T. Washington school.

On Sunday, February 17, 2013 he and Paulette Bilsky will be in the culinary tent at the Coconut Grove Arts Festival from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. giving a talk on Super Food for Super Kids.


Terry Newman announced that on a Saturday in early June we are invited to participate in the planting organized by Treemendous along US #1.  She will provide the date at a later time.


Sandra gave a special thank you to the Christmas Party Committee members and presented them each with a bottle of wine in appreciation.

The Plant Exchange had several plants left over and they were brought to the meeting for disbursement.  Albert reminded us that this is a good time to work in our gardens.  Sandra will post in the newsletter information regarding her recommendation from the Flowering Tree Society meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara J. Barnard, Recording Secretary




MARCH 14, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President, Sandra Farwell Eliott, at 11.20 a.m., at the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami Beach, FL 33139.

Sandra thanked Carol Garvin for her hard work coordinating the hospitality committee hostesses for a wonderful breakfast/brunch for not only our members, but for the members of the Miami Beach Garden Club as well.


Marie Pappas, our Treasurer, was not present to give the report so Sandra reported as follows:  we have $8,547.00 at the beginning of the month. We had income of $2051 which included $141 from the Plant Sale, $200 from the Botanical Garden Lunch collection and $1710 from the annual dues received so far. Expenses totalled $1408.69, including donations to TREEmendous and Slow Food Miami. The ending balance in the treasury is $9,189.92.


There are several openings for new members.  All active members, please feel free to bring any new prospective members to our next meeting.

All membership dues and forms should be submitted by April 1st. In Marie Pappas' absence today, Paulette Bilsky collected renewal membership forms and/or checks for next year's membership and will be dropping them off at her house.  Anyone who has not yet turned in their renewal forms and checks, please mail them to our Treasurer, Marie Pappas.


Carla Blanco and Sean Reichert announced that we're all set for our end of the year luncheon; they have organized everything with new caterers, etc. 

Carla asked that we send any pictures that you have taken at the various meetings and events during the year to her so she can possibly include them in the video she is compiling for the Kampong event.

Patty Hearst's employer will sponsor money for our centerpieces, but it is open for any other sponsors to come on board regarding these centerpieces.

Sean asked that we be prompt in paying for the luncheon, as they need to let the Kampong know how many will be attending, etc. Guests are welcome, but only if they are from out of town.


Gail Beckham announced that this meeting will be strictly "outside", so we need to make sure that the food we bring is "cold".  She will send Google directions link to Carla for posting to all of us on the web.


Isabelle Andrews and Sean Reichert, announced the prospective new board members as follows:

President Suzie James

1st Vice President Martha Larmier and Sandra Elliott

2nd Vice President Isabelle Andrews

3rd Vice President Sandra Elliott

Recording Secretary Carla Blanco

Asst. Rec. Secy. Barbara Alldredge

Corresponding Secy. Gerry Smith

Treasurer Marie Pappas

Asst. Treasurer Courtney Berry



We will vote next meeting to approve our new board members, and they will be installed at the May meeting at the Kampong Luncheon.  Anyone wishing to volunteer for committees may do so at the next meeting.  

Carla Blanco announced she is compiling a book regarding rules and regulations for a garden club and will present it at a later meeting.

Robert volunteered to chair the Holiday Party and Albert agreed to be part of the Holiday Party committee.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara J. Barnard, Recording Secretary





APRIL 11, 2013

The meeting was called to order by President, Sandra Farwell-Elliott, at 10:20 a.m at the Gifford Arboretum, University of Miami Campus, 1301 Memorial Drive, Coral Gables, FL 33124.

Sandra thanked Isabelle Andrews who organized the refreshments and the hostesses who helped her for today's meeting.


Marie Pappas, the Treasurer, reported that she has presently collected membership money from most members who plan to renew their memberships.  There are apparently 9 new spots available for new members to be added.  The beginning treasury balance was $9,189.92; total income for the month including next year’s dues was $2,505; and total expenses were $371.  $280 was taken in for the Miami Beach Botanical Garden lunch but there was an outlay of $290. Since several people did not stay for lunch but paid for it, there seems to have been a discrepancy between the number of people who paid for lunch versus the number of people who attended the lunch. The ending balance for the month is $11,377.00.


Sean Reichert and Isabelle Andrews were the nominating committee and they formally nominated the following to be voted on by members today:

President Suzie James

1st Vice President Martha Larmier and Sandra Elliott

2nd Vice President Isabelle Andrews

3rd Vice President Sandra Elliott

Recording Secy. Carla Blanco

Asst. Rec. Secy. Barbara Alldredge

Corresponding Secy. Gerry Smith

Treasurer Marie Pappas

Asst. Treasurer Courtney Berry

The nominations were voted upon and all were approved.


Terry Newman announced that the date has been set for us to join Treemendous Society for the yearly plantings along Dixie Highway in the Grove area on Saturday, June 1, 2013.  For further information please contact Terry.


Alba Biondi announced we have 11 members who did not attend the four (4) required meetings.  We have five (5) new applicants so please advise the Board if you have any prospective new members.  Remember that you can bring prospective members to the Kampong Luncheon. You can also bring out of town visitors but no local non-members.


Carla Blanco announced we are all set for this end-of-year luncheon.   Macy's will be the caterer; Carla and Sean are doing the centerpieces, which will save the club some money.  Please try to get your fee ($35.00) for the luncheon to Carla by April 30th.


Sandra announced that the wine tasting was a huge success and thanked Albert, who was not present today, for his hospitality.

The meeting was adjourned and we proceeded with the tour of the Arboretum, led by Steven Pearson.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara J. Barnard, Recording Secretary